Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required reading list

  • Scheinin, Martin “Economic and Social Rights as Legal Rights”, in: Eide, Asbj?rn, Catarina Krause & Allan Rosas (eds.) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. A Textbook. Second Revised Edition, Dordrecht: Kluwer Law International, 2001, pp. 29-54. (26 pp.)

  • Hanski, Raija & Martin Scheinin, Leading Cases of the Human Rights Committee, ?bo: Institute for Human Rights, ?bo Akademi University, 2003, pp. 1-29, 60-65, 95-98, 224-228, 255-259, 274-279, 325-329, 375-378, 400-402, 414-417 (71 pp.)

  • Ovey, Clare & Robin C.A.White, Jacobs & White: The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 2002, pp. 14-89, 102-138, 198-263, 300-338, (218 pp.)

  • Smith, Rhona “Minority Rights”, in: Smith, Rhona Textbook on International Human Rights, Oxford: University Press, 2003, pp. 309-324 (16 pp).

Reference texts

  • Brownlie, Ian & Guy S. Goodwin-Gill (eds.), Basic Documents on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 2002.

  • Malmgren, Otto (ed.), International Human Rights Documents – a Compilation of United Nations Conventions, Optional Protocols, General Comments and General Recommendations, 3.ed., Oslo: Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, 2004.

Recommended reading list

  • Eide, Asbj?rn, Catarina Krause & Allan Rosas (eds.) Economic, Social and Cultural rights. A textbook. Second Revised Edition, Dordrecht: Nijhoff, 2001 pp. 29-54, 111-118, 191-209, 245-271, 373-388 (96 pp.)

  • Ovey, Clare & Robin C.A.White, Jacobs & White: The European Convention on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, 3rd ed. 2002, pp. 396-436. (41 pp.)

  • Scheinin, Martin, “What are Indigenous Peoples?”, Chapter 1 in Minorities, Peoples and Self-Determination. Essays in Honour of Patrick Thornberry, Nazila Ghanea & Alexandra Xanthaki (eds.), Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff, 2004. ISBN: 9004143017, pp 3-13. (11 pp.).

  • Ulfstein, Geir, “Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Land”, Chapter 1 in Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, von Bogdandy, Armin & Rüdiger Wolfrum, Christiane E. Phillipp (eds.), vol 8, 2004. Leiden: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004. (47 pp.)

  • Handouts

Published June 16, 2005 2:46 PM - Last modified July 19, 2005 7:36 PM