Syllabus/achievement requirements

Required Reading List:

(Approx. 441 pages, plus handouts)

Lindholm, Durham, and Tahzib-Lie (eds.): Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook, 2004. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Chapters 1 (pp 1-17), 3 (pp. 63-83), 6 (pp. 147-172), 10 (pp. 209-238), 15 (pp. 321-405), 19 (pp. 455-495), 20 (pp. 497-511), 21 (pp. 513-521), 22 (pp. 523-543), 24 (pp. 561-570), 26 (pp. 595-618), 27 (pp. 619-649), 28 (pp. 651-668), 29 (pp. 669-688), 32 (pp. 721-746). [404 pp.].

Nussbaum, Martha: “Religion and Women’s Human Rights.” In Nussbaum:: Sex and Social Justice, 1999. Oxford University Press. Pp. 81-117. [37 p.].

Additional scholarly papers and handouts to be selected and distributed during the semester.:

Recommended reading list:

(Approx. 165 pages, plus handouts)

Lindholm, Durham, and Tahzib-Lie (eds.): Faclitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook., 2004. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers . Chapters: Introduction (pp. xxvii-lxxiv), 4 (pp. 85-123), 18 (pp. 441-453), 23 (pp. 545-559), 31 (pp. 699-719), Appendices A through F containing relevant selections from international treaty provisions, declarations and comments. (pp. 873 -921)..

Additional handouts:

Published Dec. 3, 2004 3:01 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2004 2:22 PM