HUMR5110 – Thesis: Formal Presentations
Course content
You will begin this course with the appointment of a thesis advisor with whom you will meet two to three times during the preparation of a 15-page paper that expands, and perhaps modifies or transforms, your thesis from an initial project description to an articulated preliminary draft. The draft will include your thesis problem stated succinctly, its background and importance, its relation to international human rights law, an introduction to your research agenda, and any preliminary conclusions. In addition to the page requirement, you will submit an outline and bibliography.
Based on this paper, you will then give a 20-minute presentation of your thesis topic to the class. Each presentation will be followed by two 10-minute, oral critiques by two fellow students. Thereafter, there will be a period for class discussion, questions, and suggestions. The presentation accounts for 40% of your course grade while the two critiques is each worth 30% of your grade. These evaluations will be conducted by one examiner.
Attendance at all presentations is mandatory.
Learning outcome
This course has the dual objective of assisting you in further refining your own project and in honing your ability to critically analyze a thesis proposal. The preparation of your presentation as well as the criticism you receive will assist you in substantively developing your own thesis. Critiquing the presentations of others is an exercise in competent scholarly evaluation. When this course is finished, you will have further developed your project and improved your ability to complete it.
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Admission is restricted to students enrolled in the Master of Philosophy program in the Theory and Practice of Human Rights.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
No obligatory prerequisites beyond the minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway.Teaching
Seminars and student presentations.
Oral presentations. Grades A-F (F=fail) .