You should give a 20-minute …

You should give a 20-minute presentation of your thesis topic to the class, and later on present two oral critiques. You may choose the oral critiques you are going to present.

You will be appointed an advisor/ you may contact a person knowledgeable in the relevant field with whom you will meet 2-3 times during the preparation of the paper.

By October 1 you should send Bente an e-mail with the title of your thesis topic. We will make available a list of all the thesis topics to you - and by October 10 you should choose your two oral critiques from the list (send an e-mail to Bente). After you all have signed up, we will present the list with dates for the presentations and oral critiques.

Attendance at all presentations and comments is mandatory

Published June 14, 2005 3:50 PM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2005 12:32 PM