(Message from Maria Lundberg,11 October): …

(Message from Maria Lundberg,11 October): Good presentations of the two cases (below) and the briefs of the cases should be sent to Bente for distribution. The other working groups should present case briefs of the following cases by Friday 20 October to Bente for distribution. (We have also a remaining class from the Institutions course))

Lecture 1 on the right to life .... Cases:

  • 1. McCann and Others v. UK, Judgment 27 Sept 1995, Ser. A, No. 324. (student presentation) Group D
  • 2. LBC v. United Kingdom (App. 234113/94), Judgment 9 June 1999, ((14/|997798/1001). Group A
  • 3. Yasa v. Turkey (App. 22495/93), Judgment 2 September 1998, (637|997/847/1054) Group E
  • 4. Soering v. the UK (Application14038/88), Judgment 7 July 1989, Ser. A, No 161; (student presentation)Group B
  • 5. Baboeram et al. v. Surinam (Comm. Nos. 146/1983 and 148-154/1983), CCPR/C/24/D/146/1983 Group C
  • 6. Celis Laureano v. Peru, (Comm. No. 540), CCPR/C/56/D/540/1993 Group E

All students should read the cases!

Lecture 2 political rights (Wednesday 11 October)

All students should read the following cases and prepare for discussion/comments on the two cases to be presented (case 1 and 2: keep some time for discussion) on Wednesday 25 October: Cases:

  • 1. Mohin and Clerfayt v. Belgium, Judgment of 2 March 1987, Ser. A., No. 113 (student presentation)Group C
  • 2. Refah Partisi (The Welfare Party) and Others v. Turkey (App. Nos. 41340/98, 41342/98,41344/98), Judgment 13 February 2003. (Grand Chamber)(student presentation)Group E
  • 3. Diergaardt et al. v. Namibia, (Comm.760/1997), Views adopted on 25 July 2000 Group A
  • 4. Anatonia Ignatane v. Latvia (Comm. No 884/1999), Views adopted 25 July 2001 Group B
  • 5. Matyus v. Slovakia, (Comm. No. 923/2000), Views adopted on 22 July 2002. Group D

The other working groups (not presenting) should present case briefs of the other cases by Friday 27 October to Bente for distribution.

Lecture 6 on Friday 27 October Right to Privacy and Family Life will be rescheduled to November. The exact date will be posted later.

Lecture 9 Monday 6 Nov. Right to Education will be given by Asbj?rn Eide (NCHR).

Seminar 1 Current Human Rights Problems Thursday 19 Oct. 13.00-14.00. Prepare in groups A-E by reading newspapers and show human rights which are taken up in the press. Show both substantive and institutional or procedural issues. Each group presents briefly.

I am available for discussions/questions on Tuesdays 13-14 in my office, otherwise, make an appointment.

I have photocopied the draft outlines of the two lectures and left them in your room at the NCHR.

Each group has the responsibility to print one copy of "their" cases and make one class set (ca. 25 copies get the number of students from Bente) to be distributed to the class. I suggest that you put them in "your room" at the NCHR. The photocopying is done for me on the accounts of the NCHR, but not the printing.

Thanks for your comments in after class!

Published Oct. 19, 2006 4:35 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2007 4:28 PM