Re: Question time regarding auxiliary …

Re:Question time regarding auxiliary material allowed during the exam (also called reference texts) + other questions related to the upcoming exams on November 9, 12.15-14.00, Aud. 6, DA.

We was hoping to finish the material on the auxiliary material much earlier, but it is not ready yet. However, the material will be handed out at the meeting tomorrow.

The rules of the auxiliary material consists of the following parts:

  • general auxiliary material
  • auxiliary material specific for each exam
  • notation rules, how to make references in the text
  • about dictionaries
  • copies and printouts
  • etc.

The version that is given out tomorrow at the meeting is the revised version, so this is the valid one. I will give you the link to the new version when it is ready to be posted on web.

Specific auxiliary material/reference texts for the HUMR5120 course: It is not ready yet, but I will give you notice as soon as it is ready.

Feel fre to ask questions!

Published Nov. 8, 2006 5:41 PM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2007 4:28 PM