Message from Maria Lundberg: Here …

Message from Maria Lundberg: Here are the cases which should be read and prepared as case briefs by 24 November. The lecture notes are sent to Bente and will soon be posted on the course website.

Reservations, Limitations and Derogations Cases:

  • Brannigan och McBride, Judgment of 26 May 1993, A. 258-B,Group A
  • Belilos, Judgment of 29 April 1988, A. 132, p. 24).Group B
  • Slivenko v. Latvia, (App. 48321/99), Judgment 9 October 2003 (Grand Chamber)Group C
  • Silver, Judgment of 25 March 1983, A. 61,Group D
  • Handyside v. the UK, Judgment of 7 December 1976, A. 24,Group E

The right to private and family life:

  • KT v. Finland (App. 25702/94), Judgment of 12 July 2001 (Grand Chamber)Group A
  • Marckx v. Belgium, Judgment of 13 June 1979, Ser. A, No. 31.Group B
  • Laskey, Jaggard and Brown v. United Kingdom (Apps. 21627/93, 21826/93, 21974/93), Judgment of 19 February 1997,Group C
  • Abdulaziz, Cabales and Balkandali v. United Kingdom, Judgment 28 May 1985, Ser. A, No. 94, Group D
  • Hatton and others v. UK (App. 36022/97), Judgment of the Grand Chamber of 8 July 2003, para. 98) see also dissenting judges. Group E

See cases in Rhona Smith for Minority/indigenous rights.

Published Nov. 15, 2006 10:37 AM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2007 4:28 PM