
Published June 11, 2007 1:26 PM

There have been some changes in the schedule: The exam results will be available on 18 June from 16:00.

Published May 4, 2007 12:21 PM

No resources or auxiliary material is allowed in this course during the exams.

You may bring Vocabulary lists / dictionary. All types of the following vocabulary lists/dictionaries: spelling/orthography lists, vocabulary lists/dictionaries for “Book Norwegian” (bokm?l) and “New Norwegian” (nynorsk), English-Norwegian, Norwegian-English, German-Norwegian, Norwegian-German, French-Norwegian and Norwegian-French. Applications to use dictionaries converting to/from other foreign languages will be considered. It is not permitted to use vocabulary lists/dictionaries that contain definitions of legal words or terminology.

Published Feb. 26, 2007 9:44 AM

Unfortunately I must postpone by one hour our Wednesday 28 February class, with presentations and discussion of country case applications of the Spiral Theory of Risse et als. We shall, accordingly, start at 15:15 and end by 17:00. Same classroom as unsual. See you there!

All the best from Tore L

Published Jan. 17, 2007 11:26 AM

Dear all, Please find a message to all students from Professor Tore Lindholm (the same message is to be found in Fronter):

  • 1 Slight modification of course readings:

First of all, a thank you to the alert student who brought me the message that a new and revised edition of Forsythe's book is now available. I have now had time to look at the revised edition.

The availability of the new edition triggers a slight modification of our course readings, as follows: The course readings from David P. Forsythe, Human Rights in International Relations, 2nd Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006 are chapters 3, 6, and 7 (pp. 57-86, 152-185, and 188-216)

To compensate for this increment of mandatory course readings from Forsythe's book we relegate the chapters on the history of human rights from Nowak (or Tomuschat) to the status of recommended background readings; they are no longer included as mandator...

Published Jan. 12, 2007 7:08 PM

Readings for Monday 15 January is: History. You should read the following: Nowak, Tomuschat, and Lindholm pp. 24-44 in Tore Lindholm, W. Cole Durham Jr, and Bahia Tahzib-Lie eds., Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook.

Published Jan. 12, 2007 2:40 PM

Please find information about the reading list and lecture plan (see left side of this page).

Syllabus (reading list) is also posted on left side of this page.

Published Jan. 4, 2007 12:39 PM

Nickel's book is now available in the bookstore Akademika (law faculty) with a new version (2nd edition, 2007-version) - you should all purchase this new 2nd edition, as there are many changes from the 2004-version.

Background reading: A Handout is now available at the Centre of Human Rights, 5th floor (the student's reading room), Universitetsgt. 22-24 containing the following texts (name of writer is written below):

  • Nowak
  • Tomuschat
  • Mutua
  • Status of Major International Human Rights Instruments

The copy of Joseph Cahn's text: "A Confucian Perspective on Human Rights for Contemporary China" is also available on the students room, 5th floor.

Published Dec. 7, 2006 2:41 PM

Communication between students and teachers is made via Fronter, the virtual classroom at University of Oslo. Keep in mind that e-mails sent in Fronter will be directed only to the student e-mail accounts and not to your external email adresses.

Fronter login:

When you are in Fronter: You should choose the room 'Fellesrom for HUMR4130, HUMR5130, og HUMR1130' from the menu - and then you are in! In order to login to Fronter you must have payed the semester fee and have registred the course in Studentweb.

In addition, you should also check the course page regularly for other information (f.ex time and place, syllabus), not only Fronter.