Candidates who wish to get an explanation of their results can contact the external examiner Hadi Str?mmen Lile at the following time:
Wednesday 22 January between 10-12 on phone 91592963.
Dear students,
The debate questions for the Oral Debate on Thursday December 5th have now been published, please see under "Assignment and oral debate (examinations)" on the semester page.
The oral debates will take place on Thursday 5 December, from 9:30-14:30. The list of names and allocated time for each student will be published later this week.
There will be no oral debate on 6 December.
Venue, The seminarroom, Norwegian Center for Human Rights (NCHR).
Your candidate numbers are now published in Studentweb.
Handouts from the lecture given by Malcolm Langford today, is now available in Fronter.
Fronter login:
In the meny choose 'rooms' and then 'display all rooms'. Then scroll down and find the room 'HUMR5132 - Fellesrom h?st 2013' - the file is available in the folder 'Lectures'.
This lecture is designed to help students who are writing an English language paper for one of their electives. Writing an English language ‘paper’ will, for some students, be an entirely new academic exercise - and this lecture has been specifically designed to help you write a good paper.
Sofie H?gest?l will go through the steps needed to write a good paper, including how to:
At the end she will hand out a “How-to-Write a Paper Guide”, written specifically for law students at UiO.