
Published Jan. 16, 2015 5:11 PM

Please contact Dr. Malcolm Langford at the CMI for additional feedback on the Home Examinations (remember to state your candidate number).


Contact info Malcolm:

Published Jan. 16, 2015 12:14 PM

The results are now published, please check your StudentWeb.

Contact information regarding explanation of results is TBA.

Published Sep. 17, 2014 10:47 AM

The lecture and seminar on 25 September is postponed. A combined lecture and seminar will be arranged on both Thursday 2 October from 14:15-16:00 at Auditorium 4 Domus Academica and on Tuesday 7 October at Asbj?rn Eides rom NCHR instead. Students may choose which of these to attend as the contents are the same on both days.

Published Aug. 18, 2014 11:38 AM

Please note that all the lectures and seminars fall 2014 will be arranged at the NCHR`s seminar room (CA gate 30, second floor) EXCEPT the lecture and seminar on THURSDAY 4 SEPTEMBER which will commence at Theologisk Eksamenssal, Domus Academica.