Syllabus/achievement requirements

All articles are compiled in compendiums that can be purchased from Gnist Akademika bookstore, Law faculty.

Required reading:

  • Eide, Asbj?rn, “Citizenship and International Human Rights Law” in Citizenship and the State in the Middle East Nils A. Butensch?n, Uri Davis, Manuel Hassassian (eds.), New York: Syracuse University Press 2000. Pp. 88-122. (35 pp.)

  • Eide, Asbj?rn, “Cultural Autonomy: Concepts, Content, History and Role in the World Order”, in Autonomy: Applications and Implications, Markku Suksi (ed.), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998. Pp. 251-276. (26 pp.)

  • Ghai, Yash, “Ethnicity and Autonomy: A Framework for Analysis”, in Autonomy and Ethnicity: Negotiating Competing Claims in Multi-Ethnic States, Yash Ghai (ed.), Cambridge: University Press, 2000, pp. 1-26 (26 pp.)

  • Ghai, Yash, Public Participation and Minorities, London: Minority Rights Group International, 2001. (22pp)

  • Kymlicka, Will, “Modernity and National Identity”, in Ethnic Challenges to the Modern Nation State, Shlomo Ben-Ami and Yoav Peled and Alberto Spektorowski (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. 11-41. (31 pp.)

  • Lijphart, A. “Majority rule versus democracy in deeply divided societies”, Politikon, vol. 4, 1977, no. 2, pp. 113-126. (14 pp.)

  • Hannikainen, Lauri, “Self-determination and Autonomy in International Law”, in Autonomy: Applications and Implications, Markku Suksi (ed.), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998. Pp. 79-95. (17 pp.)

  • Lewis-Anthony, Sian, “Autonomy and the Council of Europe – With Special Reference to the Application of Article 3 of the 1st Protocol of the European Convention on Human Rights”, in Autonomy: Applications and Implications, Markku Suksi (ed.), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998. Pp. 317-342. (26 pp.)

  • Packer, John, ”Problems in Defining Minorities”, in Minority and Group Rights in the New Millennium, Deirdre Fottrell and Bill Bowring (eds), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1999. Pp. 223-273. (51 pp.)

  • Thornberry, Patrick, “Images of Autonomy and Individual and Collective Rights in International Instruments on the Rights of Minorities”, in Autonomy: Applications and Implications, Markku Suksi (ed.), The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 1998. Pp. 97-124. (28 pp.)

  • Butensch?n, Nils, “State, Power and Citizenship in the Middle East. A Theoretical Introduction” in Citizenship and the State in the Middle East Nils A. Butensch?n, Uri Davis, Manuel Hassassian (eds.), New York: Syracuse University Press 2000. Pp. 3-27. (25 pp.)

  • Scheinin, Martin, “How to Resolve Conflicts between Individual and Collective Rights?”, in Rethinking Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights, Martin Scheinin and Reetta Toivanen (eds.), ?bo/Turku: Institute for Human Rights, ?bo Akademi University, Berlin: German Institute for Human Rights, 2004, pp.219-238 (20pp)

  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, “Nationalism” – Chapter 6 in Ethnicity & Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives, 2nd edition. London: Pluto Press 2002. Pp. 96-120 (25 pp.)

  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, “The Social Organisation of Cultural Distinctiveness” – Chapter 3 in Ethnicity & Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives, 2nd edition. London: Pluto Press 2002. Pp. 36-56 (20 pp.)

  • Ekern, Stener: " 2005: Visions of the Right Order: Contrasts between Mayan Communitarian Law in Guatemala and International Human Rights Law" i Lindholt, Lone and Sten Schaumburg-Müller (eds.): Human Rights in Development Yearbook 2003. Human Rights and Local/Living Law, 2005. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Pp. 265 -290. (25 pp.)

  • Gellner, David: "From group rights to individual rights and back: Nepalese struggles over culture and identity" i Cowan, Jane K, Marie-Bénédicte Dembour and Richard A. Wilson: Culture and Rights. Anthropological Perspectives, 2001. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 177-200 (23 pp.)

  • Geschière, Peter: "Ecology, belonging and xenophobia: the 1994 forest law in Cameroon and the issue of ’community" i Englund, Harri and Francis B. Nyamnjoh (eds.): Rights and the Politics of Recognition in Africa , 2004. London: Zed Books. pp. 237-259. (22 pp.)

  • Amit, Vered: “Reconceptualising Community” in Vered Amit (ed.) Realizing Community. Concepts, social relationships and sentiments. London: Routledge 2002, pp 1-19 (19 pp.)

  • Darryl Robinson, "Serving the interests of justice: Amnesties, truth commissions and the International Criminal Court", European Journal of International Law 14 (2003), s. 481-505 (24 pp).

  • Paul van Zyl, "Promoting Transitional Justice in Post-Conflict Societies", in Alan Bryden and Heiner H?nggi (eds.), Security Governance in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Geneva 2005, s. 209-222 (13 pp).

  • Martin Chanock "Culture and human rights: orientalising, occidentalising and authenticity", in Beyond Rights Talk and Cultura Talks. Comparative Essays on the Politics of Rights and Culture. ed. Mahmood Mamdani, David Phillips Publishers, Cape Town 2000, Ch 1. (22 pp.)

  • Bill Derman and Anne Hellum "Land, Identity and Violence in Zimbabwe", in Conflicts over Land and Water in Africa. Eds. Bill Derman, Rie Odgaard and Espen Sjaastad, James Curry 2007, pp 161-186 (25 pp.)

  • Joshua Castellino, Territorial integrity and the ‘right’ to self-determination: An examination of the conceptual tools, in Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 2008, (55 pp.)

  • Susanna Mancini, Rethinking the boundaries of democratic secession: Liberalism, nationalism, and the right of minorities to self-determination, International Journal of Constitutional Law, July-October 2008, (26 pp.)

  • Marc Weller, Settling self-determination conflicts: Recent developments, in European Journal of International Law, February 2009, (49 pp.)

  • McGibbon, Rodd. 2003. “Between Rights and Repression: The Politics of Special Autonomy in Papua”, in Local Power and Politics in Indonesia: Decentralisation & Democratisation, Edward Aspinall and Greg Fealy (eds.), Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. (Ch. 13, pp. 194-210 (17 pp.)

Pages in total: 718 pp.

Recommended reading:

  • Stephen Kabera Karanja, Post-election violence in Kenya: Sowing democracy in a constitutionalism vacuity, (21 pp.) (coming in autumn 2009)

  • International Journal on Minority and Group Rights, Vol. 13, No. 2-3, 2006. (Special Issue: Accommodating Difference. Human Rights, Citizenship and Identity in Diverse Societies).

  • Shachar, Aylet, Multicultural Jurisdictions. Cultural Differences and Women’s Rights, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

  • Cassese, Antonio, Self- Determination of peoples. A legal reappraisal, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995. Selected chapters. Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, “Nationalism” in Ethnicity & Nationalism. Anthropological Perspectives, Thomas Hylland Eriksen, London: Pluto Press 1993. Pp. 18-35. (18 pp.)

  • van Klinken, Gerry, “Big States and Little Secessionist Movements” in Guns and Ballot Boxes: East Timor’s Vote for Independence, Kingsbury, Damian (ed.) Clayton Monash Asia Institue, 2002. Pp. 157-168. (11 pp.)

  • Kymlicka, Will, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. Selected chapters.

  • Stavenhagen, R. (1996) ‘Indigenous Rights- some conceptual Problems’. In Constructing Democracy: Human Rights, Citizenship and Society in Latin America, edited by Elizabeth Jelin and Eric Hershberg, pp. 141-161. Boulder: Westview Press

  • Kymlicka, Will, “Modernity and National Identity”, in Ethnic Challenges to the Modern Nation State, Shlomo Ben-Ami and Yoav Peled and Alberto Spektorowski (eds.), Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2000. Pp. 11-41. (31 pp.)

Published Apr. 2, 2009 2:08 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2009 2:33 PM