Reading list - syllabus
The books listed up as required readings, are available at the NCHR library (3-4 ex.). You are requested to make your own copies. There are also some exemplaires available at the bookstore Gnist Akademika (Law faculty). The books are quite expensive.
(1) Freedom of Religion or Belief
Required readings:
Tore Lindholm, W. Cole Durham Jr, Bahia Tahzib-Lie eds., Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook, Brill: Leiden, 2004:xxxvi-xlii; 147-172; 189-202; 209-239; 321-406; 455-494; 619-651 (total 225 pages). [2-year loan from NCHR library for full-time students registered at the NCHR's MA program ]
Recommended reading:
Paul M. Taylor, Freedom of Religion, UN and European Human Rights Law and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005: pp. 203-338 (135 pp.)
(2) Protection of Equality and Non-discrimination
Required readings:
Arnardóttir, Oddn?. Equality and Non-Discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2003 Chapters 3-7, pages 33-190 (Total pages 157)
Fredman, Sandra. Discrimination Law , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Chapter 1, Equality: Concepts and Controversies, pages 1-15 (Total pages 15) Chapter 4, Legal Concepts: Direct, Indirect Discrimination, and Beyond, pages 92-124 (Total pages 32).
Total pages 204
Recommended readings:
Craig, Ronald. Systemic Discrimination in Employment and the Promotion of Ethnic Equality Chapter 2, The Concept of Discrimination, pages 34-43 (Total pages 9)
General Comment 25 (CEDAW) on Temporary Special Measures (Total 6 pages)
Crenshaw, Kimberle. The Intersectionality of Race and Gender Discrimination (Paper) (Total pages 26)
Wildhaber, Luzius. “Protection against Discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights – A Second-Class Guarantee?” Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2 (2002): 71-82, 73. (Total pages 11)
Total pages 52
(3) Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples
Required readings:
Donders, Yvonne, Towards a Right to Cultural Identity?, Antwerpen-Oxford-New York: Intersertia, 2002, pp.163-225, 247-300 (117pp)
Henrard, Kristin, Devising an Adequate System of Minority Protection. Individual Human Rights, Minority Rights and the Right to Self-Determination, The Hague –Boston-London: Kluwer Law International, 2000, pp. 218-278 (61pp)
Recommended readings:
Donders, Yvonne, Towards a Right to Cultural Identity?, Antwerpen-Oxford-New York: Intersertia, 2002, pp. 1-64 (64pp)
Henrard, Kristin, Devising an Adequate System of Minority Protection. Individual Human Rights, Minority Rights and the Right to Self-Determination, The Hague –Boston-London: Kluwer Law International, 2000, pp.16-55 (40pp)