Contact information after the exam: Maria Lundberg: (week 23)
Grading of the exam delayed:
The grading of the exam is postponed to Tuesday 2nd June after 17:00. Log in as usual in Studentweb and find your results.
Examination info:
Allowed special material during the exam:
- Brownlie, Ian and Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, eds., Basic Documents on Human Rights, Oxford: University Press
- 'Folkerettslig tekstsamling' [Collection of public international law texts] by Buflod, Sannes and Aaseb?
Note! Other handouts from lectures/teaching are NOT allowed!
Rules for the allowed material may be found here (including notations, etc.) - this is known by you already (I assume!):
Information re. the examination:
The examination will contain three (3) questions. Students should answer one (1) out of three (3) questions.
The mock exam has been published today. Please find it posted on left side under the heading 'Mock exam due 12 April'.
The last lectures of HUMR5507 are approaching and so is the exam. Do you have any requests for these lectures or any other questions that have come up during the course? Please send an email to Maria or to Bente;
maria.lundberg (at), or b.l.kraabol (at)
The lecture scheduled for 20 April, has been rescheduled to 17 April, from 10:15-12, in Juridisk eksamenssal (same place as usual).
The mock exam: The mock exam will be published on 14 April. Deadline for handing in your mock exam is 21 April. Students hand in their mock exam at the Info Centre, 2nd floor, DA before 15:00 due date.
Maria will go through the answer to the mock exam on 27 April, from 12:15-14, in Juridisk eksamenssal.
For lectures 8-10 (Maria Lundberg): Please find a new lecture outline posted today on opposite page.
Please find also information about earlier cases in this course (from Tore and Ronald's courses) that you may read if you wish. You may find them useful related to Maria's lectures as well. See this page
The outline for lecture 5-7 with list of cases and articles to be read, are now posted on opposite page (under 'lecture outline' of 15 February). Lecturer: Ronald Craig.
Please find the course outline for lecture 1-4 posted on opposite page.
An information meeting about the upcoming exams (in May/June) will be held on 11 February, from 08:15-10 in auditorium 4, Domus Academica building (DA). The meeting is held by Professor Stein Evju.
He will also talk about mock exams (in law), and he will show you, based on previous exam papers, how to write exams in law.
The following texts are available at the Info Centre at the Law faculty (Domus Academica building)from today:
- Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief (A Deskbook) (selected chapters)
- The Liberal Concept of Political Secularism, text by Heiner Bielefeldt
- the Leila Sahin v. Turkey case
Note from Tore Lindholm: When you pick up a copy (one copy only!) of a text prepared for HUMR5507 please register at this list, indicating your name and the text you pick up.
The case Leyla Sahin v. Turkey is lacking from the (blue) compilation of cases. You will find it here as a pdf-file
Students should read the following judgment prior to the first lecture (with Ronald Craig):
European Court of Human Rights: Thlimmenos v. Greece, RJD 2000-IV, 263 (Judgment of 6 April 2000) The instructor will describe how to brief a case on the basis of this case.
Three different compilations of cases (one for each instructor) are made. The compilations are available at the Information Centre, 2nd floor, DA building, from 15th January.
The library at the Norwegian Center of Human Rights (NCHR) will be reopening on 2nd February 2009.
You will not be allowed to borrow any books from them before that date. But all books listed in the syllabus, will soon be available for purchase at the bookstore Gnist Akademika (Domus Nova building). Some of them may also be available at the Main Law Faculty Library or other Law Faculty Institute libraries.
The UN GCs (from CEDAW & the Human Rights Committee can be found on the UNHCHR website
The journal articles can be retrieved by using the X-port gateway (link from the library home page). If you need to brush up search techniques presented at your library introduction course last fall, check out the guides/power points on the NCHR library home page.
If you need help before the NCHR library opens again, you are welcome to contact the Main Law Faculty Library