How to Prepare a Case

This class is designed to combine lectures and student presentations.  All students are required to prepare outlines of the assigned cases and will be asked to present them in class.  The outline is as follows:
Facts:  Who are the parties?  What was the cause of violation?  Which court has processed the case?  What were decisions of prior decision makers?
Issue:  What is the legal question to be answered?
Rule: What is the relevant legal standard?
Analysis:  Please provide your reflections on the consideration of evidence (documentary, oral, expert testimony, etc.), legal argumentation, interpretation of facts, and fairness of the decision. If there is a dissent please discuss the judge’s opposing views. Do you agree with the holding?  Are there gaps or contradictions in the discussion of the case. Apply counter analysis.
Conclusion:  What is the holding of the case?
Published Sep. 5, 2017 4:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2017 11:47 AM