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Beck, Ulrich (2006) Living in the world risk society, I: Economy and Society, 35 (3): 329-345. (16 s)
Braithwaite, John (2014): Restorative justice and responsive regulation, RegNet Research Papers No. 2014/51. (27 s)
Burcar, Veronica og Malin ?kerstr?m (2009): Negotiating a Victim Identity: Young Men as Victims of Violence. I: Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 10(1): 37-54. (17 s)
Christie, Nils (1986): The Ideal Victim. I: From Crime Policy to Victim Policy: Reorienting the Justice System (red. Ezzat A. Fattah), s.17-30. (13 s) [Fronter]
Christie, Nils (1977): Konflikt som eiendom. I: Tidsskrift for rettsvitenskap, vol. 90. (15 s) [Fronter]
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Johansen, Nicolay B. (2013): Straff som fortjent? I: Samtiden nr 2/2013: 50-62. (12 s)
Jon, Nina (2017): Maskulinitetsperspektiv p? kriminologiens kjerneomr?der: Kontroll, ofre og kriminalitet. I: Nordisk tidsskrift for kriminalvidenskab. (20 s) [Fronter]
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Lomell, Heidi Mork (2006): - Menneskerettigheter er vel og bra, men for hvem? Offeret eller gjerningsmannen? I: Nordic Journal of Human Rights. 24 (1), s. 59-73 (14 s)
Skilbrei, May-Len (2012): The development of Norwegian prostitution policies: A marriage of convenience between pragmatism and principles I: Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 9 (3). (13 s)
Sollund, Ragnhild (2011): Expressions of speciesism: the effects of keeping companion animals on animal abuse, animal trafficking and species decline. I: Crime, Law and Social Change 55.5 (2011): 437-451. (14 s)
South, Nigel (1998): A green field for criminology? A proposal for a perspective. I: Theoretical Criminology, 2(2): 211-233. (22 s)
Sykes, Gresham M. (1958): The Society of Captives. A Study of a Maximum Security Prison. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. (144 s)
Tonry, Michael (2014): Why Crime Rates Are Falling throughout the Western World. Crime and Justice, 43(1): 1-63. (62 s)
Ugelvik, Thomas (2011): Hva er et fengsel? En analyse av manualen til en sosial teknologi. I: Retf?rd. 34 (1). (16 s)
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