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Balvig, Flemming (2005): “When Law and Order Returned to Denmark”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 5:2, 167-187.
Cohen, Stan (1979): ”The Punitive City.” Contemporary Crises 3: 339-363.
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Foucault, Michel (1982): The Subject and Power. Critical Inquiry 8(4): 777-795 (19 sider).
Fox, Kathryn J. (1999). Changing Violent Minds: Discursive Correction and Resistance in the Cognitive Treatment of Violent Offenders in Prison. Social Problems 46(1): 88-103 (16 sider).
Garland, David (1999): "'Governmentality' and the problem of crime: Foucault, criminology, sociology" i Governable places: readings on governmentality and crime control. red Russel Smandych. Aldershot: Ashgate. s 15-45 (29 sider) [K]
Garland, David (2013): Penality and the Penal State. Criminology 51(3): 475-516.
Hacking, Ian (1999). The Social Construction of What? Kapittel 5 “Kind-making: The Case of Child Abuse.” Cambridge Mass. & London: Harvard Univ. Press. s. 125-163 (38 sider).
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (1999): "Moral Agent or Actuarial Subject: Risk and Canadian Women's imprisonment" i Theoretical criminology, 3(1): 71-94 (23 sider) [K]
Hann?s, Bj?rg Mari (2012): Hva er bakgrunnen for at unge og voksne utredes for ADHD? Psykologi i kommunen nr. 3: 7-19 (13 sider).
Henriksen, Lars Skov og Annick Prieur: Et nyt perspektiv p? magt i det sociale arbejde”, 2004. Dansk Sociologi. 15, nr. 3, s. 101-112.
J?rvinen, Margaretha (1998): ”Att konstruera och dekonstruera sociala problem. I : Kvinder p? randen. Annalisa Kongstad, Britta Kyvsgaard og Anette Storgaard (red.). Aarhus : Aarhus universitetsforlag, s. 13 – 31. (19 sider) [K]
J?rvinen, Margaretha og N. Mik-Meyer (red.): At skabe en klient, 2003. K?benhavn : Hans Reitzels Forlag. Kap.1: J?rvinen, M. og Mik-Meyer, N.: Indledning s. 9 – 24 (15 sider). [K]
Lianos, Michalis og Mary Douglas (2000): "Dangerization and the end of deviance: the institutional environment". I: Criminology and social theory. Red. David Garland og Richard Sparks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. s 103-125 (23 sider). [K]
Loader, Ian og Neil Walker (2001): "Policing as a public good: Reconstituting the Connections between Policing and the State" i Theoretical criminology 5(1): 9-35 (26 sider) [K]
Loseke, Domileen R. (2001) “Lived Realities and Formula Stories of ‘Battered Women’.” I J. Gubrium & J. Holstein (red.) Institutional Selves. Troubled Identities in a Postmodern World. NY & Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. s. 107-127 (20 sider) [K]Matthews, Roger (2005). The myth of punitiveness. Theoretical Criminology 9 (2): 175-201 (26 sider).
Matthews, Roger (2005). The myth of punitiveness. Theoretical Criminology 9 (2): 175-201 (26 sider).
McCarthy, Daniel J. (2010): Self Governance or Professionalized Paternalism? The Police, Contractual Injunctions and the Differential Management of Deviant Populations. British Journal of Criminology 50 (5): 896-913 (18 sider).
McCulloch, Jude og Sharon Pickering (2009). Pre-Crime and Counter-Terrorism. Imagining Future Crime in the ‘War on Terror’. British Journal of Criminology 49(5): 628-645.
Meyer, Doug (2014): Resisting Hate Crime Discourse: Queer and Intersectional Challenges to Neoliberal Hate Crime Laws. Critical Criminology 22: 113-125 (13 sider).
Neumann, Iver (2003): ”Innledning: regjeringsbegrepet og regjerningens historiske fremvekst”. I: Regjering i Norge. Iver Neuman og Ole Jacob Sending (red.). Oslo: Pax, s. 9 – 43. (35 sider).
Plambech, Sine (2014): Between “Victims” and “Criminals” – Nigerian Migrant Sex Workers and the Politics of Rescue. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society (21 sider).
Roddy Nilsson (2013): ”From Learning to Labour to Learning to Self-Control: The Paradigmatic Change in Swedish Prison Policy”. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 14(1), 2. 24-45 (21 s.).
Rose, Nikolas (2010): “Screen and intervene – governing risky brains.” History of the Human Sciences 23 (1): 79-105.
Scott, Susie (2006): The medicalisation of shyness: from social misfits to social fitness. Sociology of Health and Illness, Vol. 28. s. 133-153 (21 sider).
Scoular, Jane (2010): What’s Law Got To Do With it? How and Why Law Matters in the Regulation of Sex Work. Journal of Law and Society 37(1): 12-39 (28 sider).
Skilbrei, May-Len og Charlotta Holmstr?m (2011): “Is There a Nordic Prostitution Regime?” Crime and Justice, Vol. 40, No. 1 (August 2011), pp. 479-517 (39 sider).
Zedner, Lucia (2007). Pre-crime and post-criminology? Theoretical Criminology 11(2): 261–281 (20 sider).
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