

[K] betyr at publikasjonen er tatt inn i en kopisamling/kompendium. Kopisamlingene/kompendiene samt pensum i instituttets stensilserie og K-serie er til salgs i Akademika i Domus Media (Midtbygningen) Karl Johansgate. 47. Ta med gyldig studentbevis ved kj?p av kopisamling/kompendium.

1 Teori, empiri og metode (196 s)

Wilson, James Q. ogKelling, George (1983). ”Broken Windows”, i Thinking about Crime. New York: Vintage Books (13 s) [K]

Skogan, Wesley (1990). Disorder and Decline. Berkely: University of California Press. Kap. 1-4 (84 s)

Harcourt, Bernard (1998). ?Reflecting on the Subject: A Critique of the Social Influence Conception of Deterrence, the Broken Windows Theory, and Order-Maintenance Policing New York Style?, i Michigan Law Review vol. 97, Issue 2 (99 s) [K]

2 ?Broken Windows policing? og ?nulltoleranse? i praksis (116 s)

Bowling, Benjamin (1999). ?The Rise and Fall of New York Murder?, i British Journal of Criminology, vol. 39, no. 4. (24 s) [K]

Blumstein, Alfred (2002). ?Why Is Crime Falling ? Or Is It??, i Perspectives on Crime and Justice: 2000-2001 Lecture Series. Washington: National Institute of Justice (34 s) [K]

Silverman, Eli (1999). NYPD Battles Crime. Boston: Northeastern University Press. Kap. 4-5 (58 s)

3 ?Stopp & sjekk? og borgerrettigheter (90 s)

Fagan, Jeffrey/Davies, Garth (2000). ?Street Stops and Broken Windows: Terry, Race and Disorder in New York City?, i Fordham Urban Law Journal, vol. 28. (48 s) [K]

Kahan, Dan/Meares, Tracey m.fl. (1999). ?When Rights are Wrong?, i Boston Review 24 (2). (42 s) [K]

4 ”Nulltoleranse”, p? norsk (238 s)

H?ig?rd, Cecilie (2002). Gategallerier, hele del II, samt kap. 15-16 og kap. 21. Oslo: Pax, 2002.(152 s)

Haugland, Geir Sunde (2004). V?pen -og knivforbudet, Kap. 1, 3 og 6.Bergen: Fagbokforlaget, 2004

5 "Nulltoleranse", politi og samfunn (56 s)

Garland, David (1996) "The Limits of the Sovereign State". I : British Journal of Criminology, vol. 36, s. 445-471 (27s) [K]

Garland, David (2000). "The Culture of High Crime Societies." I : British Journal of Criminology, vol. 40, s. 347-75 (29s) [K]

Til sammen 696 sider

Publisert 22. apr. 2004 16:14 - Sist endret 11. mai 2004 18:22