Syllabus/achievement requirements


Falk Moore, Sally  (1973): "Law and Social Change: The Semi-Autonomous Social Field as an Appropriate Subject of Study." Law & Society Review Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 719-746. 28 pages

Falk Moore, Sally  (2001): ‘Certainties Undone: Fifty Turbulent Years of Legal Anthropology, 1949-1999.’ The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 95-116. 22 pages.


Rights and legal pluralism

Covan, Jane K.,  Marie- Benedicte Dembour and Richard A Wilson (2001):  “Introduction and Rights: Anthropological Perspectives.” In:  Cowan, Jane K., Marie-Bénédicte Dembour, and Richard A. Wilson, eds. Culture and rights: Anthropological perspectives. Cambridge University Press, 2001. pp.1-20. 20 pages.

Griffiths, Anne  (2011): ‘Pursuing legal pluralism: The power of paradigms in a global world.’ The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law vol. 43.64, pp. 173-202. 30 pages.

Hellum, Anne  (2017): ‘Studying human rights in plural legal contexts: An exploration of plural water laws in Zimbabwe.’  In: Research Methods in Human Rights A Handbook, B?rd A. Andreassen, Hans-Otto Sano and Siobhán McInerney-Lankford (eds) Edward Elgar publishing 2017, Chapter 18, pp .435-461. 27 pages (Fronter).


Anthropology and international law

Coutin, Susan B.  (2000): ‘Illegality, borderlands, and the space of nonexistence.’ In: Globalization under construction: Governmentality, law, and identity. University of Minnesota press. pp. 171-202. 32 pages (Fronter).

Jackson, Jean E.  (2007) ‘Rights to Indigenous Culture in Colombia.’ In: The Practice of Human Rights: Trancking Law Between the Global and the Local, Mark Goodale and Sally Engle Merry eds. Cambridge studies in Law and Society, 2007, pp. 204-241. 28 pages.

Tharmalingam, Sarvendra  and Mohamed Husein Gaas with Thomas Hylland Eriksen (2011): ‘Post 11 September Legal Regulations of the Hawala system: The Predicament of Somalis in Norway.’ In: Anne Hellum, Shaheen Sardar Ali and Anne Griffiths  (eds) From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws, Ashgate 2011 (CRC) p.251-277. 27 pages.

von Benda- Beckmann, Franz and Kebeet von Benda- Beckmann (2010): ‘Unity and Diversity: Multiple Citizenship in Indonesia.’ In:  M.-C. Foblets, J.-F. Gaudreault-DesBiens, & A. D. Renteln eds. Cultural Diversity and the Law, Bruylant,  pp. 889-917. 29 pages (Fronter).

Zerilli, Filippo M.  (2010): ‘The rule of soft law: an introduction.’ Focaal vol. 56 pp. 3-18. 16 pages.


Bureaucracies and courts

Anders, Gerhard  (2009): ‘The New Global Legal Order as Local Phenomenon: The Special Court for Sierra Leone.’ In: Franz von Benda- Beckmann, Kebeet von Benda- Beckmann and Anne Griffiths (eds) Spatializing Law. An Anthropological Geography of Law in Society. Ashgate  pp. 137-56. 20 pages.

Griffiths, Anne (2011):  “Local Responses to National and Transnational Law: A view from the Scottish Children’s Hearings System”,  i Anne Hellum, Shaheen Sardar Ali and Anne Griffiths  (eds) From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws, Ashgate 2011 (CRC) pp.189-209. 21 pages.

Herzfeld, Michael (1993): The Social Production of Indifference: Exploring the symbolic roots of Western bureaucracy. Chicago: U of Chicago Press. pp. 1-97. 97 pages.

Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora  (2011):  ‘Blurring Boundaries: Refugee Resettlement in Kampala—between the Formal, the Informal, and the Illegal.’ PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review vol.34 no.1, pp. 11-32. 22 pages.


Bottom-up justice and the everyday

Hellum, Anne  and Farhat Taj Andersen (2011): ‘Taking what law where and to whom? Legal literacy as transcultural 'law-making.’ In:  Anne Hellum; Shaheen Sardar Ali & Anne Griffiths (ed.), From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws. Northern European Laws at the Cross Roads.  Ashgate. pp. 93 – 114. 22 pages.

Mauss, Marcel (1954):  The Gift: Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies. (New York: W.W. Norton, 1954 [1923]).22 pages   

Melhuus, Marit (2011):  ‘Cyberstork Children and the Norwegian Biotechnology Act- Regulating Procreative Practices to What Effect.’ In: Anne Hellum, Shaheen Sardar Ali and Anne Griffiths  (eds) From Transnational Relations to Transnational Laws, Ashgate  pp.51-71. 21 pages.

Merry, Sally Engle (1990): Getting justice and getting even: Legal consciousness among working-class Americans. University of Chicago Press, 1990. pp. 1-87 and 134-181. 134 pages.

Sieder, Rachel  (2013) ‘Sexual violence and gendered subjectivities: indigenous women's search for justice in Guatemala’.  Gender justice and legal pluralities. Latin American and African perspectives, Rachel Sieder and John-Andrew McNeish  eds. New York: Routledge-Cavendish, pp. 109-132. 24 pages

Strathern, Marilyn  (1992): ‘Reproducing the Future: Essays on Anthropology, Kinship and the New Reproductive Technologies’ Manchester : Manchester University Press. pp. 1-30. 30 pages.


The market

Kuldova, Tereza  (2016) ‘Hells Angels? Motorcycle Corporation in Fashion Business: Interrogating the Fetishism of the Trademark Law.’  Journal of Design History.  Pp. 1- 19. 19 pages.

Riles, Annelise  (2011):  ‘Introduction: Private governance, global markets and the legal technologies of collateral.’ In:  Collateral knowledge: legal reasoning in the global financial markets. University of Chicago Press, 2011. Pp.1-28. 28 pages (Fronter).

Scheper-Hughes, Nancy  (2001): ‘Commodity fetishism in organs trafficking’  Body & Society vol. 7.2-3 (2001): 31-62. 32 pages.


751 pages.


Published June 13, 2017 9:39 AM - Last modified Sep. 1, 2017 11:22 AM