Syllabus/achievement requirements

1.Theoretical perspectives on social movements, legal consciousness and legal mobilization

Snow, David A., & Robert D. Benford (2000) “Framing Processes and Social Movements: an Overview and Assessment.” 36 Annual Rev. of Sociology 611–39. Available here.

Tarrow, Sidney (1998) Power in Movement: Social Movement, Collective Action and Politics. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press. [selected parts, Introduction and part 1, pages 1-183]. Students should buy this book.

2.Methodological perspectives: Identity, power and reflexivity

Freire, Paulo (1970) Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Herder & Herder. [Preface, Chapter 1 and 2. p. 35-86 ]  21-70 pages. Students should buy this book.

Minow, Martha. "Surviving victim talk." UCLA L. Rev. 40 (1992): 1411. Available here. 32 pages.

Moore, Sally Falk. "Law and social change: the semi-autonomous social field as an appropriate subject of study." Law & Society Review 7.4 (1973): 719-746. Available here.

White, Lucie E. "Collaborative Lawyering in the Field-On Mapping the Paths from Rhetoric to Practice." Clinical L. Rev. 1 (1994): 157. Available here. 17 pages.

3.Legal liberalism and the rule of law: Classics in U.S Socio-legal studies

Galanter, Marc. "Why the" haves" come out ahead: Speculations on the limits of legal change." Law & society review 9.1 (1974): 95-160. Available here.

Silbey, Susan S. "After legal consciousness." Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 1 (2005): 323-368. Available here

4.Legal mobilization in authoritarian, poor and violent contexts

Chua, Lynette J. "Pragmatic resistance, law, and social movements in authoritarian states: The case of gay collective action in Singapore." Law & Society Review 46.4 (2012): 713-748. Available here.

Domingo, P. and Tam O’Neil (2014) Overview: The political economy of legal empowerment. Legal mobilisation strategies and implications for development. Available here. 14 p.

Janmyr, Maja. "Nubians in Contemporary Egypt: Mobilizing Return to Ancestral Lands." Middle East Critique 25.2 (2016): 127-146.  Available here.

Lemaitre, Julieta, and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik. "Shifting frames, vanishing resources, and dangerous political opportunities: legal mobilization among displaced women in Colombia." Law & Society Review 49.1 (2015): 5-38. Available here.

5.Human Rights and transnational legal mobilization

Langford, Malcolm, Introduction: civil society and rights Malcolm Langford, in Langford, Malcolm, et al., eds. Socio-economic Rights in South Africa: Symbols Or Substance?. Cambridge University Press, 2013. Available here. 32 pages.

Hellum, Anne & Derman, William (2013). Between Common Community Interest and Gender Difference: Women in South Africa's Land Restitution Process, In William Derman; Anne Hellum & Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (ed.),  Worlds of Human Rights. The Ambiguities of Rights Claiming in Africa.  Brill Academic Publishers.  ISBN 978-90-04-24647-8.  pp. 143 – 168. Chapter available here.

Massoud, Mark F (2011) “Do Victims of War Need International Law? Human Rights Education Programs in Authoritarian Sudan,” 45 Law & Society Rev. 1–32. Available here.

Sonneveld, Nadia and Monika Lindbekk, “A Revolution in Muslim Family Law? Egypt’s Pre and Post-Revolutionary Period (2011-2013) Compared”, New Middle Eastern Studies, 5 (2015), Available here. 20 pages.

Rodr?guez-Garavito, Cesar A., and Luis Carlos Arenas. "Indigenous rights, transnational activism, and legal mobilization: The struggle of the U’wa people in Colombia." Law and Globalization from Below (2005): 241-266. Available here.

Tsutsui, Kiyoteru, Claire Whitlinger, & Alwyn Lim (2012) “International Human Rights Law and Social Movements: States’ Resistance and Civil Society’s Insistence,” 8 Annual Rev. of Law and Social Science 367–96. Available here.

6.The micropolitics of collective and individual uses of international Law

Gloppen, Siri. "Litigation as a strategy to hold governments accountable for implementing the right to health." health and human rights (2008): 21-36. Available here.

Ikdahl, Ingunn. "Multiple Threats, Manifold Strategies: Women, The State and Secure Tenure at The Interface of Human Rights and Local Practices in Dar Es Salaam." In William Derman; Anne Hellum & Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (ed.), Worlds of Human Rights. The Ambiguities of Rights Claiming in Africa.  Brill Academic Publishers.  ISBN 978-90-04-24647-8. pp. 169-194. Chapter available here.

Lemaitre, Julieta and Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (2016) “Giving Content to Collective Human Rights Protection: The Case of the Kankuamo” (on file with authors) [post as working paper, to be done. 25 pages]

Sandvik, Kristin Bergtora. "Blurring Boundaries: Refugee Resettlement in Kampala—between the Formal, the Informal, and the Illegal." PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review 34.1 (2011): 11-32.  Available here.

In total: 766 pages

Published Nov. 24, 2016 10:19 AM