Lesesalsplasser/Place to study? Lyst p? …
Lesesalsplasser/Place to study?
Lyst p? lesesalsplass? Det er ledige bachelorplasser i Stjernekjeller'n! Se astro sidene (under '亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录' og 'Lesesalsplass') for s?knadsskjema, tildelingsreglement og annen informasjon fra Astrofysisk Fagutvalg. Fristen for ? s?ke er FREDAG 2.SEPTEMBER. Husk ogs? generalforsamlingen torsdag 8. sep., kl. 16:30 (gratis pizza!)
Need a place to study? There are available spots for bachelors' students in the basement study room. Go to the astro pages ('亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录' and 'Lesesalsplass') for application form, regulations of assignment and other information from the Astrophysics Students' Council. Deadline for applications is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. Remember also the student council's general assembly on thursday sep.8th, at 4.30 pm (free pizza!)