
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.08.2011Viggo Hansteen (Gregal Vissers, Mats Carlsson)? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Velkommen og det menneskelige ?yet? Forelesningsnotater Les eventuelt de f?rste sidene av "Astrophysical Techniques" Kapitel 1.?
24.08.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Detektorer? Forelesningsnotater "Astrophysical Techniques" Kapitel 1. ?
29.08.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Detectors? ?
30.08.2011Gregal Vissers? Rom 209 Auditoriet, labben 5. etage? Introduction to IDL & Camera usage? Short introduction to IDL

Example program fig_image.pro

Labinstruks and CCD lab

IDL introduction slides?

31.08.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Fourier analysis and diffraction? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 1. pp 44-52. Notes on Fourier analysis and Diffraction?
05.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Diffraction continued? ?
06.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Telescopes for visible light? Notes on telescopes NB note changed date!!?
07.09.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? CCD lab? Group 3, starting 10:00

Group 2, starting 11:00

CCD lab

NB note changed date!!?

08.09.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? CCD lab? Group 1, starting 14:15

CCD lab?

12.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Abberations? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 1. pp. 53-68.?
13.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Telscopes for visible light/Fresnel Diffraction? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 1. pp 68-89. Lecture notes on Fresnel diffraction, seeing, and adaptive optics.?
14.09.2011? Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope? Stay at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory? Duration 15-8/9 2011 ?
15.09.2011Robert Burton? Roque de los Muchachos? Tour of telescopes? Isaac Newton Telescope, Gran Telescopio Canarias, MAGIC?
15.09.2011? Mercator Telescope? Tour? ?
15.09.2011James McCormac? SuperWasp Telescopes? Tour? 60 new planets discovered by SuperWasp!?
16.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Library Swedish Tower? Refraction, seeing and adaptive optics? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 1. pp 89-102.?
16.09.2011? Library Swedish Tower? Exercise reducing data? Flat fielding and dark current correction, construction of Dopplergram from CRISP data - all with IDL. Continued on the morning of 17.09.2011.?
16.09.2011Peter Sutterlin? Swedish 1 meter Telescope? Tour of optical table? ?
16.09.2011Marjaana Lindborg? NOT Telescope? Tour and watching observations? ?
17.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Library Swedish Tower? Astronomical co-ordinate systems? Lecture notes Please look at the exercises at the end of the lecture notes, they will be given at some point in the near future and are an important control on whether you understand this material.?
26.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Radio- and high energy astronomy? "Astrophysical Techniques" 1.2 and 1.3. Lecture notes?
27.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209 Auditoriet? High energy astronomy continued? ?
29.09.2011Gregal Vissers? Seminarrom 304? CCD lab? All groups, 14:15-16:00

Work on IDL tasks in CCD lab?

03.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Imaging? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 2.1, 2.4-2.7. Lecture notes?
03.10.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? Diffraction lab? Group 1, 15:15

Diffraction lab?

04.10.2011Students & Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Run through of exercises? ?
05.10.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? Diffraction lab? Group 3, 10:00

Group 2, 11:00

Diffraction lab?

17.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Interferometry & Photometry? Chapter 3 in Kitchin's Astrophysical Techniques?
17.10.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? Aberrations lab? Group 1, 15:15

Aberrations lab

Deadline CCD-lab report for all groups?

18.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Photometry? "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 3. We will also have a short evaluation of the course so far. Lecture notes?
19.10.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? Diffraction lab / Aberrations lab? Group 3, 10:00

Group 2, 11:00

Aberrations lab?

24.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Spectroscopy? Lecture notes "Astrophysical Techniques" Chapter 4?
24.10.2011Viggo Hansteen & Students? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Exercises & Spectroscopy ctd.? Exercises on celestial co-ordinates given in Messages on October 20?
26.10.2011Gregal Vissers? Labben 5. etasje? Aberrations lab? Group 3, 10:00

Group 2, 11:00

Group 1, 15:15

Aberrations lab?

31.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Fourier spectroscopy & interference filters? Astrophysical Techniques Chapter 4 pp. 333-345.?
01.11.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Interference filters, Polarimetry? Lecture notes on polarimetry Astrophysical Techniques Chapter 5 pp. 391-442?
03.11.2011Gregal Vissers? Seminarrom 304? Hinode lab? All groups, 14:15-16:00. Bring your own laptop!

Hinode lab

Deadline of Diffraction lab report for all groups?

07.11.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Polarimethry/Solar Studies/Magnetometry? ?
08.11.2011Gregal Vissers? Rom 209, Auditoriet? Hinode lab? All groups, 14:15-16:00

Deadline Aberrations lab report for all groups?

10.11.2011Gregal Vissers? Seminarrom 304? Hinode lab? All groups, 14:15-16:00?
14.11.2011H?kon Dahle? Rom 209 Auditoriet? The observatories in Chile and the next generation of giant optical telescopes? ?
15.11.2011Viggo Hansteen & Students? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Exercises on Photometry & Spectroscopy? Will also give a quick run through of the mid term exam?
21.11.2011? ? No lecture today Monday 21/11.? Work on the exercises for tomorrow!?
22.11.2011Viggo Hansteen & students? Rom 209 Auditoriet? Exercises? Remaining exercises on photometry and spectroscopy. Exercises 1-4 in the polarimetry lecture notes.?
24.11.2011N/A? N/A? Hinode lab? Deadline of Hinode lab report for all groups

Notes on the Hinode lab and report?

Publisert 19. aug. 2011 13:43 - Sist endret 21. nov. 2011 12:19