What we would like you …
What we would like you to think about before Friday's exercise session is: Do exercise 1.1 from Elgaroey's lecture notes. Then try and think of a universe that is: a) Homogeneous, but not isotropic b) Isotropic, but not homogeneous. How would you go about trying to detect if we were living in such universes. Does the Copernican principle hold in you universe a)?
Additional exercise is exercise 1.4 from Elgaroey's notes
If you had trouble with last weeks line element exercise or just want to try a more detailed approach, have a look at exercises 1.2 and 1.3 from Elgaroey's notes
Publisert 4. feb. 2013 10:38
- Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 15:48