The assignement for next weeks …

The assignement for next weeks exercise class (1st of March) can be found here .

The assignement for the exercise class on the 8th of March is a mandatory hand in. Your hand in should be your solution to the mid term exam from 2006, which you can find here . Remember, the point is for you to get feedback on your own work, so do it without glancing at solution suggestions. Anything that looks like an attempt at solving the exercises will give you a pass. If you can't come to the exercise class on Friday the 8th of March to deliver it, please drop it in may post shelf which you can find in the northern corridor on the ground floor of the astrophysics building, no later than Friday the 8th of March at 14:30.

Publisert 18. feb. 2013 11:04 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:17