
The course lecture notes and exercises for the problem classes can be found in: O. Elgaroy's lecture notes and in David F. Mota lectures notes . There is also an errata to the January 2012 version of O. Elgaroy's lecture notes.

Sample exams from previous years can be found here (as a zip file). Most of the exam solutions can be found here . An archive of more recent exams and some of their solutions can be found here .

Slides chapter 1 lectures

Particle Physics in a Nutshell

Slides of Chapter 2, part I, of the lectures

Slides of Chapter 2, part II, of the lectures

Slides of Chapter 2, part III, of the lectures

Slides of Chapter 2, part IV, of the lectures

Slides of Chapter 3, Inflation

Slides of Chapter 4, Structure Formation

A probable detailed list for this can be found in the web pages from previous version of this course.

For instance the pages for AST4220 autumn 2010 and AST4220 autumn 2009

Publisert 3. okt. 2012 14:57 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 15:48