
Publisert 23. juni 2023 11:27

Well, that's it for AST3220 this time. I hope you feel that your work has been assessed in a fair and transparent manner. Also, I hope you have found the course interesting, and that it may even perhaps have left you with a desire to learn more about cosmology. 

To those of you who have applied for the master's programme in astronomy or for the astronomy branch of the master's in computational science: I hope to see all of you in August! To those who have other plans, I wish every success. 

Have a great summer!

Publisert 16. juni 2023 10:34


Evaluation guide

Please note that in the solution there is an extra question (j)) which was not part of the project. The explanation is that I gave pretty much the same project last year, but decided to remove this question this year (for reasons you can guess if you read the solution). And I couldn't locate the .tex file for the solution, just the pdf, so that explains why the year is 2022 in the header. 

I hope we will have the results ready by the end of next week. 


Publisert 12. juni 2023 15:18

Being deprived of our usual habitat, we migrate to room 304 at the ITA (Svein Rosselands hus), also known as "Peisestua", for tomorrow's session. 

Publisert 5. juni 2023 11:46

Sorry for this last-minute message, but I have to take part in a master's exam and can't find someone to fill in for me today. But both tomorrow and on Wednesday you can come and work on project 3 and get help from Jakob and me. 

Publisert 31. mai 2023 13:37

The results for project 2 are now available in Devilry. As some of you have noticed, you get results like 93/1000. This does not mean that you did poorly, quite the contrary! If everything was perfect you would get 100 points + 5 points for the bonus question. To be allowed to enter scores higher than 100, I had to set the max to some number > 100, and quite stupidly I chose 1000 rather than 105, not realising that this would show up in the results. My apologies! 

Publisert 22. mai 2023 14:22

Project 3 is all that remains of AST3220. As most of you have a deadline in AST3310 next week, the plan ahead is as follows: 

May 22 + May 23: No lecture/group session

May 29: I will be around in auditorium 2 at VB if you have any questions about project 3 

May 30+May 31: No lecture/group session

June 5+6+7+12+13+14: We meet at the usual times in the usual places and you can work on the project with help from Jakob or yours truly

Publisert 15. mai 2023 17:22

For obvious reasons I can't share the actual source files, but here is my (python!)-code compiled in a pdf if you would like to compare.


Publisert 15. mai 2023 09:35

The final project is here: 

Project 3

This project counts 50% of your final grade. 

Jakob and I have to have the results ready no later than June 26 to be sure that they are registered in time for those of you who have applied for a master's programme. I have therefore undemocratically decided that your deadline for handing in project 3 will be 

Thursday, June 15 at 23:59

This should be enough time to get through the project. There are a lot of questions in it, but most of them can be answered quickly, and the numerics should be more straightforward than in the two previous projects. 


Best of luck!


Publisert 8. mai 2023 17:35

If you're having problems with implementing the numerics for project 2, I've put together this minimal example illustrating how I approached the problem in my code. This is somewhat simplified and boiled down, but hopefully it communicates the general outline.



Publisert 2. mai 2023 16:04

Due to an unidentified bug in the code developed by the previous teaching assistant to produce the figures in project 2, I've made an updated collection of figures using results from my own code. Please see the short introduction for a slightly more in depth explanation of the changes. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Updated figures for project 2

Publisert 26. apr. 2023 08:54

At 23:59 on May 14th, to be precise.

Publisert 11. apr. 2023 15:40

Since there were no objections to this deadline in today's lecture, that's the one we are running with.


Publisert 29. mars 2023 09:52

Here are solutions to the problems in project 1

I apologise for having exercised my privilege to not use LaTeX.

Publisert 29. mars 2023 09:03

Jakob is ill, so there will be no session today.

Have a great vacation! 

Publisert 27. mars 2023 10:15

Congratulations to all who finished project 1! I hope we will have the results ready shortly after Easter. 

Here is project 2

And here is the paper it refers to

(Don't pay attention to the fact that the year and date in the heading of the project description are wrong)

I aim to have covered the background you need for the project by the end of this week's lectures. 

We will discuss the deadline in the lectures. 

Publisert 22. mars 2023 10:48

As the deadline for project 1 approaches, I will just remind you that you should upload your report and your code at

Please remember to upload code you have written to solve the numerical tasks in a format which makes it easy for Jakob and me to check (i.e., NOT as a pdf-file!) Also make sure that there is nothing in the files you upload that can identify you as the author (no name, email address etc.), just your candidate number. 


Publisert 21. mars 2023 12:01

I forelesningen i dag jobber vi videre med prosjektet.

NB: holdes i auditoriet 2 i Vilhelm Bjerknes hus.

Hilsen Jakob 

Publisert 20. mars 2023 10:38

Jeg m? holde meg hjemme i dag. Beklager s? mye, satser p? ? v?re tilbake i morgen. 

Publisert 17. mars 2023 15:12

A typo which can, and perhaps already has caused much frustration has been brought to my attention: In the expression for Omega_m in equation (14) there is a term (x_2)^3. This is a mistake, the x_2 should be squared like the other terms, not cubed. So, (x_2)^2, not ^3.

I am very sorry for this. My apologies to everyone who has had to struggle to try to derive a wrong result.


Publisert 7. feb. 2023 15:14

As we agreed in the lectures, you should hand in project 1 before 23:59 on Sunday March 26. We use devilry ( for this. Please read the instructions at the beginning of the problem set carefully before handing anything in. In particular, remember to upload your code(s) in a separate file to make it easy for Jakob and me to test it. Also, don't include your name or any other information that could identify you. 

Publisert 1. feb. 2023 00:42

The first group session of the "spring" is this Wednesday 01.02 from 14:15 to 16:00. This session we'll be in Vilhelm Bjerknes hus (VB) auditorium 2, where I briefly met some of you last week. NB, going forward we'll be at Svein Rosselands hus room 304 (Peisestua).

I would like the group sessions to be dedicated to what you guys need, and so I hope we can have a brief discussion at the start of this first session going through what you expect of me, and how we can best spend our time together.

Looking forward to seeing you!


Publisert 20. jan. 2023 14:02

(The following information in Norwegian is found in English further down)

Som du antakeligvis vet, g?r f?rste forelesning i AST3220 av stabelen mandag 23. januar klokka 12:15 i auditorium 2 i Vilhelm Bjerknes hus (bedre kjent som VB). I den f?rste delen av forelesningen vil jeg gi litt praktisk informasjon om kurset. Denne informasjonen vil jeg ogs? legge ut i forelesningsplanen under "Timeplan". 

Pensum i kurset finnes i hovedsak i forelesningsnotatene: 

AST3220 -  forelesningsnotater (kun p? engelsk)

Men siden det ikke er noen avsluttende eksamen i kurset, blir det vel ikke helt feil ? si at pensum er stoffet du trenger for ? l?se oppgavene i de tre prosjektoppgavene dere skal levere. Det f?rste av disse kan du laste ned allerede n?:

Prosjekt 1: ...