
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
20.08.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The Milky Way: Contents and structure? Chapter 2 in the textbook.

Slides from the lecture?

21.08.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The Milky Way: Rotation curve and dark matter.? Chapter 2 in the textbook.?
23.08.2012 Nobody? Nowhere? No problem session this week.? ?
27.08.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The Galactic rotation curve (chapter 2, section 3). Motion under gravity (chapter 3, section 1)? ?
28.08.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Motion under gravity (chapter 3, section 1). ? ?
30.08.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problems 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.14, 2.15, 2.19, 2.20? This is the first problem session.?
03.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 303? Two-body relaxation (chapter 3, section 2).? We will skip chapter 3, section 3 (The epicycle approximation). This section will not be part of the curriculum.?
04.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The Boltzmann equation (chapter 3, section 4.)? ?
06.09.2012 ? ? ? No problem session today. Students are encouraged to attend the Kavli Prize Symposium in Astrophysics?
10.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The Boltzmann equation (chapter 3, section 4.)? ?
11.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Spiral galaxies (chapter 5 in the textbook.)? Slides from the lecture?
13.09.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problem 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.12, 3.16, 3.19? ?
17.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Elliptical galaxies (chapter 6 in the textbook.)? Slides from the lecture?
18.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Active galactic nuclei (chapter 9 in the textbook.)? Slides from the lecture?
20.09.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304 ? The collisionless Boltzmann equation: Problems 3.24, 3.25, and 3.28 in the textbook. Spiral galaxies: Separate problem sheet, see next column.? Spiral galaxies problem sheet?
24.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Galaxy clusters (chapter 7 in the textbook, sections 1, 2 and 3.)? Slides from the lecture?
25.09.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Cosmological models. ? This lecture will mostly be a recap of material most of you are familiar with from AST3220 (Cosmology I). ?
27.09.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problems from the textbook: 6.1, 6.5, 6.14, 6.16, 9.1, 9.2, 9.4, 9.5? ?
01.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Newtonian perturbation theory. The linear growth factor. Simple solutions.? For the topics treated in the lecturs on structure formation over the coming weeks, I refer to John Peacock's lecture notes?
02.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The transfer function and the power spectrum. Coupled linear perturbations: Matter+radiation.? ?
04.10.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problems 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.9, 7.11 from the texbook+the following problem: For the Einstein-de Sitter model (spatially flat universe with non-relativistic matter only), calculate a) The luminosity distance and b) The angular diameter distance. Is there anything interesting about the latter? Find the time since the Big Bang as a function of redshift z. How old, as a fraction of its present age was the universe at z=1? And at z=10?? ?
08.10.2012 ? ? No lecture. Midterm exam week.? ?
09.10.2012 ? ? No lecture. Midterm exam week.? ?
11.10.2012 ? ? No problem session. Midterm exam week.? ?
15.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Coupled linear perturbations: Cold dark matter+baryons. ? ?
16.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Cold + hot dark matter (massive neutrinos).? ?
18.10.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? ? Here are the problems to be discussed in this session?
22.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? The transfer function and the power spectrum. What we can learn from them. Non-linear theory: The spherical collapse model.? For a nice set of lecture notes on the spherical collapse model, download lecture 8 from this page?
23.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? More on the spherical collapse model.? ?
25.10.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? ? A problem on the transfer function and the power spectrum?
29.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304 ? The Press-Schechter mass function. The galaxy power spectrum vs. the matter power spectrum.? Notes on the PS mass function?
30.10.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Redshift space distortions? The galaxy correlation function and power spectrum. Bias. Peculiar velocities.

Lecture notes


01.11.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Spherical collapse? Problem sheet?
05.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Redshift space distortions. Gravitational lensing.? ?
06.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Gravitational lensing? ?
08.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Problems on redshift space distortions. NOTE: This problem session is cancelled due to a board meeting! The problem set has been promoted to a compulsory exercise to be handed in by Friday November 16.? Problem sheet?
12.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Microlensing. Lensing by extended sources. Refsdal's method.? Textbook: 7.4.1 + 7.4.2?
13.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Lensing by extended sources. Weak gravitational lensing.? Textbook: 7.4.2 + 7.4.3?
15.11.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problems 7.12, 7.13, 7.14 and 7.15 in the textbook.? ?
19.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? By popular request: Introduction to cosmology ? The material I will cover can be found in my notes to the course AST3220 (formerly AST4220).?
20.11.2012 ?ystein Elgar?y? Room 304? Introduction to cosmology continued.? ?
22.11.2012 Amir Hammami? Room 304? Problem 7.16, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20, 7.21? ?
Publisert 27. juni 2012 17:14 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2012 09:45