
Published Dec. 8, 2022 8:57 AM


I have uploaded final exams from previous years (2018-2021) in OneDrive. Note that these were written exams. Since we are doing oral exam this year, lengthy derivation and numerical calculations will not be included. However, conceptual questions and simple derivations can still be part of the exam. So you don't need to spend time solving all the questions in the previous years exam.  

The questions this year do not necessarily come from previous exams, but there may be some overlaps.  

I believe that Ida has already communicated with you about the time schedule, but I attached the timetable in the OneDrive as well. Please let me know if you spot any inconsistencies. 

See you all on Monday! 




Published Dec. 2, 2022 12:51 PM

I received several emails asking about presentation grades. I have sent the grades to the administration, and they will be registered in the studentweb soon, so you can check it there directly. 


Published Nov. 27, 2022 3:00 PM

Hi all, 

There is a slight change in the schedule: one presentation is rescheduled from Monday to Wednesday. Therefore, we will have only 3 presentations on Monday (with no breaks), but 4 on Wednesday. Please see the file "Presentation_schedule_update.pdf" for details. The order of presentation is essentially unchanged. 

See you tomorrow, and good luck! 


Published Nov. 25, 2022 2:28 PM

Hi all, 

I have uploaded the presentation schedule on the OneDrive. Sorry for the delay. Please note that even if you don't need to do the presentation on a certain day, you should still come to your classmates presentation, and ask questions. Some of the material of these presentations will be included in the final exam. 

Have a nice weekend and see you all on Monday! 


Published Nov. 15, 2022 11:13 AM

We have graded project 1 and published the feedback to each of you on Devilry. 

I am glad to see everyone did well on this project! Keep it on. :) 

Sijing & Sladja 

Published Nov. 14, 2022 9:55 AM

Hi all, 

As many of you know, this week we will have 2 guest lectures. Today, Davide Decataldo will talk about giant molecular clouds and star formation in detail, and tomorrow Alice Schimek will talk about metallicities in galaxies. Please come to the lectures! The materials covered in these lectures will be also included in the final exam. 

Cheers, Sijing

Published Nov. 9, 2022 11:18 AM

Pay attention that there is a typo in the assignment text, the given H0 is in km/s/Mpc, not km/s/kpc!
So, H0=
67.81 km/s/Mpc


Published Nov. 8, 2022 12:33 PM

Hey guys,

Here is a pdf with some hopefully helpful things (ssh, file permissions, using pynbody...)


Published Nov. 7, 2022 3:41 PM

I have uploaded to the Onedrive folder some ideas/suggestions for the in-class presentation, together with a short evaluation criteria. 

Please decide your presentation topic and let me and Sladja know by November 15. 

Cheers, Sijing 

Published Nov. 7, 2022 1:18 PM

Don't forget to change the units in the Amiga input file (length, mass and velocity) before running the halo finder. The assignment text has a helpful link where you can learn more about units.

And if you don't have a halo catalogue by the end of today, please contact me and we can try and sort it out together.



Published Oct. 24, 2022 11:02 PM

As discussed today during class, we are making the following adjustments: 

1. Project 2 deadline is changed to Friday, November 11, i.e., one week after the original deadline; 

2. As voted by the majority on today's lecture, Project 3 is cancelled, so Project 2 will count for 30% of the total grade; 

3. In-class presentation date is postponed to November 28-30. And please choose your topic by November 15. I will post a list of suggested topic but you are welcome to suggest your own. 


Published Oct. 14, 2022 1:47 PM

I have upload Project/Assignment 2 on the OneDrive folder. If you have trouble access it you can also download it here. My apologies for the delay in terms of giving out the project. The deadline is Nov. 4th, so you have 3 weeks of time to finish. I do realise that the week after would be the in-class presentations if we follow the initial schedule. We may try postpone the presentation to a later week, but it depends on the availability of myself and the group teacher. 

Good luck! 


Published Oct. 12, 2022 10:14 AM

For the ones who cannot attend the tutorial in person, here is the zoom link

Cheers, Sijing 

Published Oct. 11, 2022 12:55 PM

As some of you already know, there will be no lectures next week (Oct 17 and 18) so that you can focus working on the project.

Good luck! 




Published Oct. 11, 2022 12:53 PM

Hi all, 

Tomorrow during the group session (10:15-12:00), Davide Decataldo (postdoc at ITA and expert in simulations) will give a tutorial on how to use the  pynbody tool ( to analyse cosmological simulation data. You will use this tool for analysing your own simulation for project 2. 

Hope many of you can attend! 


Published Sep. 28, 2022 11:02 AM

I mixed up some times this morning and wasn't at the group session on time. I apologize if someone was waiting there. If you have any questions, I will be in my office all day today (502) feel free to stop by, or send an email.


Published Sep. 20, 2022 9:45 AM

I have set up the accounts and assignment on Devilry. Please upload your answers in pdf format, and just a reminder that the deadline is this Friday, Sep. 23 (until midnight). 

Good luck! 


Published Sep. 12, 2022 6:04 PM

Lecture and group session are switched this week:

  • Tuesday September 13th (tomorrow) you will have the group session at 10:15-12:00, room 209
  • Wednesday September 14th you will have the lecture at 10:15-12:00, room 304


Published Sep. 7, 2022 10:56 AM

The first assignment is upload to the OneDrive. If you have any trouble to access it, here is a dropbox link to download. 

Good luck! 


Published Aug. 30, 2022 10:14 PM

Since you don't have any homework yet, there will be no group session tomorrow (August 31st).

See you next week!

Published Aug. 22, 2022 3:40 PM

I have decided to give 3 projects for the course (instead of 4 as initially stated in the webpage). Project 1 and 3 will be 10%, and Project 2 counts 20%. Here is a schedule for the project deadlines, the presentation, and the final exam. 

Project 1:  Fri, 23 Sep 

Project 2:  Fri, 21 Oct 

Presentation (in class): Nov 7-9 

Project 3:  Fri, 25 Nov 

Final Exam (Oral): Dec. 12-14  

Please note the dates! 

Cheers, Sijing 

Published Aug. 22, 2022 1:43 PM

It was nice to see some of you today! If you haven't done so, please send your email address to me at I will share the slides, homework projects and any additional material on OneDrive with you. 

