
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
30.11.2007Boris Gudiksen? Rom 303? Using MPI (Message Passing Interface) to utilize computer clusters.? Given at 1:15 pm.?
23.11.2007?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 303 (next to Peisestua)? Characteristics and time-dependent boundary conditions (contd.)? We finish discussion of characteristics by showing how they can be used to implement "practical" boundary conditions, e.g., for subsonic outflow, using a 1-D isothermal gas as example. Note the different date and time: 1315!?
13.11.2007?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 304, ITA? Characteristics and time-dependent boundary conditions for fluid equation? From a set of fluid equations we derive characteristic equations exhibiting the wave modes of the equations, and show how these can be used to implement time-dependent boundary conditions. References: K. W. Thompson, J. Comput. Phys., 68, 1, 1987 and 89, 439, 1990.?
06.11.2007?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 304, ITA? The foundation of transport equations? We finish by deriving the BBGKY hierarchy and the collisionless Boltzmann (Vlasov) equation from Liouville's equation.?
30.10.2007?ystein Lie-Svendsen? Rom 304, ITA? The foundation of transport equations? From individual particle motion to Liouville's theorem, the Boltzmann equation, and finally to fluid equations (e.g. MHD) used in astrophysics.?
23.10.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Nanoflare heating og oppgavegjennomgang? ?
16.10.2007Students? Rom 304, ITA? Nanoflare heating? Cover two central papers: Galsgaard & Nordlund, 1996, Heating and activity of the solar corona 1. Boundary shearing of an initially homogeneous magnetic field and Hendrix et al., 1996, The Viability of Ohmic Dissipation as a Coronal Heating Source?
09.10.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Introduction to numerical methods? Crank-Nicholson's method, second order upwind schemes, operator splitting, implicit codes.?
02.10.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Introduction to numerical methods? von Neumann stability analysis, Lax's method, phase and non-linear errors. Transport errors and upwind differencing. Explicit and implicit methods. ?
27.09.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? The Solar Wind/Introduction to numerical methods? Finish off solar wind. Then go through chapter 19.0 - 19.3 in Numerical Recipes. NB note that this lecture will be held on Thursday, not Tuesday!! See also if there are any messages as the date approaches.?
11.09.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? The Solar Wind? Finish off the the corona. Then wind. Lecture notes on the solar wind?
04.09.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? The Solar Atmosphere II? Chromosphere, transition region, and corona. Again as seen from the ITA. ?
28.08.2007Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? The Solar Atmosphere I? Photosphere and chromosphere as seen from ITA. Lecture notes on the solar atmosphere?
Publisert 11. sep. 2007 12:31 - Sist endret 17. jan. 2008 12:00