Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
30.11.2007 | Boris Gudiksen? | Rom 303? | Using MPI (Message Passing Interface) to utilize computer clusters.? | Given at 1:15 pm.? |
23.11.2007 | ?ystein Lie-Svendsen? | Rom 303 (next to Peisestua)? | Characteristics and time-dependent boundary conditions (contd.)? | We finish discussion of characteristics by showing how they can be used to implement "practical" boundary conditions, e.g., for subsonic outflow, using a 1-D isothermal gas as example. Note the different date and time: 1315!? |
13.11.2007 | ?ystein Lie-Svendsen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Characteristics and time-dependent boundary conditions for fluid equation? | From a set of fluid equations we derive characteristic equations exhibiting the wave modes of the equations, and show how these can be used to implement time-dependent boundary conditions. References: K. W. Thompson, J. Comput. Phys., 68, 1, 1987 and 89, 439, 1990.? |
06.11.2007 | ?ystein Lie-Svendsen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The foundation of transport equations? | We finish by deriving the BBGKY hierarchy and the collisionless Boltzmann (Vlasov) equation from Liouville's equation.? |
30.10.2007 | ?ystein Lie-Svendsen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The foundation of transport equations? | From individual particle motion to Liouville's theorem, the Boltzmann equation, and finally to fluid equations (e.g. MHD) used in astrophysics.? |
23.10.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Nanoflare heating og oppgavegjennomgang? | ? |
16.10.2007 | Students? | Rom 304, ITA? | Nanoflare heating? | Cover two central papers: Galsgaard & Nordlund, 1996, Heating and activity of the solar corona 1. Boundary shearing of an initially homogeneous magnetic field and Hendrix et al., 1996, The Viability of Ohmic Dissipation as a Coronal Heating Source? |
09.10.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Introduction to numerical methods? | Crank-Nicholson's method, second order upwind schemes, operator splitting, implicit codes.? |
02.10.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Introduction to numerical methods? | von Neumann stability analysis, Lax's method, phase and non-linear errors. Transport errors and upwind differencing. Explicit and implicit methods. ? |
27.09.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The Solar Wind/Introduction to numerical methods? | Finish off solar wind. Then go through chapter 19.0 - 19.3 in Numerical Recipes. NB note that this lecture will be held on Thursday, not Tuesday!! See also if there are any messages as the date approaches.? |
11.09.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The Solar Wind? | Finish off the the corona. Then wind. Lecture notes on the solar wind? |
04.09.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The Solar Atmosphere II? | Chromosphere, transition region, and corona. Again as seen from the ITA. ? |
28.08.2007 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | The Solar Atmosphere I? | Photosphere and chromosphere as seen from ITA. Lecture notes on the solar atmosphere? |
Publisert 11. sep. 2007 12:31
- Sist endret 17. jan. 2008 12:00