
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Overview of Solar Physica at ITA? I will go through what we do and why we do it, especially in connection with modeling. Lecture notes?
01.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Overview of Solar Physics and Introduction to numerical methods? von Neumann stability analysis, Lax's method, phase and non-linear errors. Transport errors and upwind differencing. Explicit and implicit methods. NB Note change of date and time: lecture begins at 15.15.?
09.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Introduction to numerical methods? Continuation of previous weeks topics, second order upwind methods, Crank Nicholson. Preparation for next week's exercises. Lecture notes are now available.?
17.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Library Swedish Tower? Exercise set 1? 2nd order time schemes, the diffusion equation and implicit methods, Crank-Nicholson method. Preparation for exercise set 1?
23.09.2011Students? ? Individual work on exercise set 1? No lecture this week as V. Hansteen is on La Palma. Prepare questions and presentation of results from exercise set 1. V. Hansteen is available for answering questions via e-mail ?
30.09.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Discussion of exercise set 1 and Viscosity? Sections 51 Damping of Acoustic Waves by Viscosity, 57 Shock Structure, 59 Numerical Methods from Mihalas & Mihalas "Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics" Lecture notes?
05.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Viscosity ctd.? Lecture has been moved to Wednesday 14.00.?
21.10.2011Students & Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? A modern 3d code (Stagger)? Run through of Galsgaard & Nordlunds MHD code description. & final lecture on viscosity.?
26.10.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Finish off Stagger paper & viscosity ctd? ?
04.11.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Finish off viscosity & Bifrost? We will march through the Bifrost code covering the following topics PS Better notes will appear "real soon".?
18.11.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Operator splitting and multi-grid methods? Lecture based on Chapter 19.6 in Press et al. "Numerical Recipes". Lecture notes?
25.11.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Characteristics? Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations. Thompson 1987 JCompPhys, Thompson 1990 JCompPhys ?
01.12.2011Boris Gudiksen? Rom 304, ITA? MPI and MPI in Bifrost? At 14.15, please tell me if you have trouble coming to this lecture!?
02.12.2011Viggo Hansteen? Rom 304, ITA? Characteristics II/Preparation for exam? Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations. Lecture notes??
Publisert 25. aug. 2011 15:35 - Sist endret 30. nov. 2011 11:25