Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
26.08.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Overview of Solar Physica at ITA? | I will go through what we do and why we do it, especially in connection with modeling. Lecture notes? |
01.09.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Overview of Solar Physics and Introduction to numerical methods? | von Neumann stability analysis, Lax's method, phase and non-linear errors. Transport errors and upwind differencing. Explicit and implicit methods. NB Note change of date and time: lecture begins at 15.15.? |
09.09.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Introduction to numerical methods? | Continuation of previous weeks topics, second order upwind methods, Crank Nicholson. Preparation for next week's exercises. Lecture notes are now available.? |
17.09.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Library Swedish Tower? | Exercise set 1? | 2nd order time schemes, the diffusion equation and implicit methods, Crank-Nicholson method. Preparation for exercise set 1? |
23.09.2011 | Students? | ? | Individual work on exercise set 1? | No lecture this week as V. Hansteen is on La Palma. Prepare questions and presentation of results from exercise set 1. V. Hansteen is available for answering questions via e-mail ? |
30.09.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Discussion of exercise set 1 and Viscosity? | Sections 51 Damping of Acoustic Waves by Viscosity, 57 Shock Structure, 59 Numerical Methods from Mihalas & Mihalas "Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics" Lecture notes? |
05.10.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Viscosity ctd.? | Lecture has been moved to Wednesday 14.00.? |
21.10.2011 | Students & Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | A modern 3d code (Stagger)? | Run through of Galsgaard & Nordlunds MHD code description. & final lecture on viscosity.? |
26.10.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Finish off Stagger paper & viscosity ctd? | ? |
04.11.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Finish off viscosity & Bifrost? | We will march through the Bifrost code covering the following topics PS Better notes will appear "real soon".? |
18.11.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Operator splitting and multi-grid methods? | Lecture based on Chapter 19.6 in Press et al. "Numerical Recipes". Lecture notes? |
25.11.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Characteristics? | Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations. Thompson 1987 JCompPhys, Thompson 1990 JCompPhys ? |
01.12.2011 | Boris Gudiksen? | Rom 304, ITA? | MPI and MPI in Bifrost? | At 14.15, please tell me if you have trouble coming to this lecture!? |
02.12.2011 | Viggo Hansteen? | Rom 304, ITA? | Characteristics II/Preparation for exam? | Using characteristics to implement (non-reflecting) boundary conditions for fluid equations. Lecture notes?? |
Publisert 25. aug. 2011 15:35
- Sist endret 30. nov. 2011 11:25