The exam will be held in the auditorium, room 209, on Tuesday December 2 and Wednesday December 3. The detailed schedule has been sent out via e-mail. We expect each examination to take roughly 45 minutes.
Here are the lecture notes and exercises for the multigrid and Godunov lectures. See also Viggo H.'s lecture notes from last year.
We will meet in room 303 (behind the kitchen) because of the remodeling of room 304.
Please find the new exercise here, there are also two relevant papers to be found describing the algorithm behind a) the ZEUS code (paper II in the series might also be of interest) and b) the Stagger code.
You can find this more complete and less error prone version in the "undervisningsmateriale" directory.
The lecture on Moday is moved to Friday September 12. Remember to send the first set of exercises to Viggo Hansteen.
It turns out I have to lead the thesis defense at the Institute on Friday. As it begins at 13.15 we will have to shorten this weeks lecture to include only the first hour from 12.15 to 13. Things should be back on the correct track starting next week.
Grunnet arbeid med Peisestua, rom 304, m?tes vi i dag i Auditoriet, rom 209. Der skal vi f? oversikt over kursp?meldte og avtale tidspunkt for forelesningene, som jeg h?per vi kan flytte til fredag 12.15-14. Det vil ikke v?re faglig forelesning i dag.