
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
03.02.2009?ystein E? Rom 304? Crash course on GR? Notes?
06.02.2009?ystein E? Rom 304? Problems 2, 3 and 7 in chapter 2 in Dodelson? Note the typo in exercise 2: the 1-1 component of g_ij should be 1, not r.?
10.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? The Boltzmann equation and how to perturb it? Notes on the Boltzmann equation and Thomson scattering

Notes to chapter 4 in Dodelson?

13.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Exercise 2 in Chapter 4 in Dodelson? ?
17.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? We will finish exercise 2 from Friday. After that I will outline the derivation of the Boltzmann equations for baryons and CDM. If time allows we will start on chapter 5 in Dodelson.? Notes to chapter 5?
20.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? End of chapter 4 in Dodelson plus exercise 6 and 8 in chapter 4? ?
24.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Chapter 5: perturbed Einstein equations? ?
27.02.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Chapter 5: tensor perturbations + exercise 12, chapter 5? ?
06.03.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Chapter 5: gauges. Chapter 6: initial conditions and inflation? Notes, part I

Notes, part II?

10.03.2009?ystein E? Room 304? More on inflation and initial conditions for perturbations. Exercise 8 and 14, chapter 5.? ?
13.03.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Inflation and perturbations? ?
17.03.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Tensor perturbations from inflation? ?
20.03.2009?ystein E? Room 304? Scalar perturbations from inflation? ?
Publisert 2. feb. 2009 12:16 - Sist endret 16. mars 2009 11:40