The project description for milestone 4 is now available in the detailed teaching plan
On Thursday, April 15th, we'll go through Exercise 3.1 and 3.2 in ?ystein Elgar?y's AST4220 notes (pages 121 and 122)
The lecture on April 20th is cancelled because of travel.
The lectures on Thursdays March 18th and 25th are cancelled due to a pedagogics course and a Planck meeting. Tuesday lectures will go as usual.
Slides for the recombination lecture are now available in the lecture plan. And do remember the deadline for the first milestone coming up on Thursday! :-)
Added links to ?ystein Elgar?y's excellent lecture notes from earlier versions of the this course to the curriculum overview.
The project description for the second milestone is now available in the detailed lecture plan
The first project description is now available in the detailed lecture plan.
The Tuesday lectures have now officially been moved from 13.15-15.00 to 14.15-16.00, in order to lift a conflict with FYS4160.
F?rste "forelesning" blir 14. januar. Dette blir en kort presentasjon av kurset og administrasjon av kontoer etc. F?rste ordentlige forelesning blir tirsdag 19. januar.