Syllabus/achievement requirements

Scott Dodelson: Modern Cosmology, 2003. Academic Press. ISBN: 0-12-219141-2. Curriculum consists of chapter 1 to 8, in addition to material covered in project work.


Milestone 1: The background evolution of the universe.

Milestone 2: The recombination history of the universe.

Milestone 3: The evolution of structures in the universe.

Milestone 4: The CMB power Spectrum.

Hans Kristian Eriksen: Summary of equations for CMB spectrum calculation, Overview of equations to be implemented; not complete. Version April 9th, 2010.. cmbspec_eqns.pdf.

Power point lecture notes

?ystein Elgar?y's lecture notes from earlier years -- not curriculum, but very useful

?. Elgar?y: En kort introduksjon til generell relativitetsteori, Very good lecture notes on GR. Notes.

?. Elgar?y: A short introduction to General Relativity, Notes.

?. Elgar?y: Kosmologisk perturbasjonsteori: forpostfektninger, Very good introductory notes on Boltzmann equations . Notes.

?. Elgar?y: Kosmologisk perturbasjonsteori: I ditt ansikts sved skal du ete ditt br?d, Detailed derivations of the perturbed Boltzmann equations; only Norwegian. Notes.

?. Elgar?y: Kosmologisk perturbasjonsteori: Einsteintensoren vender tilbake, Detailed derivation of the perturbed Einstein equations; only Norwegian. Notes.

?. Elgar?y: Initialbetingelser: I begynnelsen var φ, Derivations of inflationary initial conditions. Notes.

?. Elgar?y: Skalarfelt og kvante?uktuasjoner, Notes on scalar fields and inflation. Notes.

Nyttig tilleggslitteratur

P. Callin: How to calculate the CMB spectrum, 2005. Very useful paper; read this, as it describes in detail what we will do.

B. Einarsson: L?robok i Fortran 95, 2007. Useful F90 reference, but in Swedish.

Press et al.: Numerical recipes, Very useful description of numerical algorithms; older versions are available online.

Dr. C.-K. Shene : Online F90 tutorial in English; PPTs seems useful, but I don't know them very well .

Steven H. Terry: Nice F90 reference.

Joel Spolsky: Good tutorial for Mercurial. Hg Init.


Exercise exam for spring 2010 (Norwegian).

Exercise exam for spring 2010 (English).

Exam from spring 2010.

Exam from spring 2011.

Exam from spring 2012.

Exam from spring 2012 with answers.

Useful links

Wayne Hu: Several nice tutorials on CMB physics. In particular, check out the "Ringing in the New Cosmology" page. Wayne Hu's CMB pages.

Publisert 20. jan. 2015 10:18 - Sist endret 13. mars 2023 13:19