We have now finished the 6 initial group sessions. From now on, you can request individual support and feedback sessions. There will be no further group sessions.
Please note that the Tuesday lecture now moves to the 10:15-12:00 slot.
- Lectures on Tuesday: Starting on March 18, the lectures will take place from 10:15 to 12:00 in room 209.
- Lectures on Thursday: Starting on Feb 20, the lectures will take place from 14:15 to 16:00 in room 304.
- Group sessions on Tuesday: Starting on March 18, the group sessions will take place from 12:15 to 14:00 in room 304.
Please note that all group sessions from and including the one on March 18 will be offered only upon explicit request by the students.
Some of you have problems attending the lectures on Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 and/or Thursdays 12:15-14:00. I cannot guarantee that we can find alternative time slots that suit all (and for which we have a suitable lecture room) but let's see...
Those of you who could not attend the lecture today, could you please indicate which of these alternative additional slots are possible for you?
[A] Monday 10-12
[B] Monday 12-14
[C] Wednesday 12-14
[D] Thursday 10-12
[E] Thursday 14-16
[F] Friday 13-15
Please send me (Sven) an e-mail with your choices.
You need access to the ITA storage system so that you can use the data files for the assignments. Please contact Kjell Andresen to check if you have access (and for enabling it if necessary). You will need disk access for the first group session on Tuesday, February 4.
Please note that there will be no group session on Tuesday, January 28.
The schedule and setup for group sessions will be discussed in the first lecture (January 28, 12:15-14:00).
Please note that the lecture on Thursday, January 30, will start later than usual:
13:15 - 14:00
Please also note the previous message. The turn-up at the first lecture will determine if regular lectures or a self-study course with individual supervision sessions will be offered.
The first lecture is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 10:15, in room 304 (ITA).
Please make sure to attend or, if not possible that day, notify the lecturer in advance.
Due to the expected low number of students registered for the course so far, the other lectures might be replaced by individual supervision meetings. More information will be provided by the end of January.