
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
11.01.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Introduction to the course + distances and magnitudes? Chapter 3?
12.01.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Electromagnetic radiation? Chapter 3?
18.01.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Electromagnetic radiation? Chapter 3?
19.01.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity? Chapter 4 and compendium?
20.01.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercises 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.11, 3.13, 3.17 from the textbook?
25.01.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy? Chapter 1 + compendium?
26.01.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
27.01.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Problem session? Celestial mechanics and spherical astronomy?
01.02.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity? Chapter 4 and compendium?
02.02.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
03.02.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Problem session? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics?
08.02.2003Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
09.02.2004Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
10.02.2005Kaare Aksnes? 209? Problem session? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics?
15.02.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity? Chapter 4 + compendium?
16.02.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity? Chapter 4 + compendium?
17.02.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercise?
22.02.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity? Compendium + chapter 16.1?
23.02.2005Lecture cancelled? Lecture cancelled? Lecture cancelled? ?
24.02.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Cancelled?
01.03.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Black holes? Chapter 16?
02.03.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Black holes? Chapter 16?
03.03.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Relativity theory and black holes? Exercise?
08.03.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Exercises? Do exercise 1 & 2 here ?
09.03.2005Rolf Stabell? 209? Black holes? Chapter 16?
10.03.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Problems 16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 16.11, 16.13 from the textbook ?
14.03.2005? Vilhelm Bjerkenes? First midterm exam ? This exam of 3 hour duration (13.30 - 16.30) will count 20% of the final grade. It is compulsory to meet! You MUST bring ID. Allowed material is: ?grim & Lian: St?rrelser og enheter i fysikk og teknikk, Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling, calculator, two A4 pages (can be written on both sides) with your own notes.?
29.03.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Black holes + planetary system? We'll finish off black holes, look at the midterm exam and start up on tidal forces in the planaetary system?
30.03.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Metrics? finish off black holes...?
31.03.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Problems 16.15, 16.18, 18.2, 18.5 from the textbook?
05.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Physics in the solar system? Chap. 18-21 ?
06.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Physics in the solar system ? Chap. 18-21 ?
07.04.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Problems 18.7, 18.9, 18.11, 18.12 (b), 18.13, 18.18 from the textbook ?
12.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Physics in the planetary system ? Chap. 18-21 ?
13.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? The Milky Way Galaxy? Chap. 22?
14.04.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Problems 18.19, 18.20, 19.3, 19.11, 19.15 in the textbook?
19.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? The Milky Way Galaxy? Chap. 22?
20.04.2005Rolf Stabell? 209? The Milky Way Galaxy? Chap. 22?
21.04.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercises 20.1, 20.5, 20.13, 21.3, 21.7, 22.2 in the textbook?
26.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? The Milky Way Galaxy? Chap. 22?
27.04.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Galaxies? Chap. 23?
28.04.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem sessions? Exercises 22.3, 22.6 (use Matlab), 22.8, 22.17, 22.23, 22.28 in the textbook.?
03.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Galactic evolution? Chap 24?
04.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Structure of the Universe? Chap 25?
05.05.2005Per B. Lilje? Internet? The "home exam"? The project exercise will be made available on these web pages?
10.05.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercises 23.3, 23.5, 23.6, 23.7, 23.15, 23.18 in the textbook.?
11.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Structure of the Universe? Chap 25?
12.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Active galaxies ? Chap 26 The home exam is to be delivered!?
18.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Cosmology? Chap 27?
19.05.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercises 24.1, 24.4, 24.7, 24.11, 24.15, 24.19 in the textbook?
24.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Cosmology? Chap 27 & 28?
25.05.2005Per B. Lilje? 209? Repetition? We work through last year's exam?
26.05.2005Martin Ytre-Eide? 209? Problem session? Exercises 25.2, 25.16, 26.1, 26.13, 26.18, 27.33 in the textbook.?
08.06.2005Yourself ? ? Final exam ? Here you show that you are real astrophysicists. ?
Publisert 22. des. 2004 15:26 - Sist endret 2. mai 2005 19:42