FRM9410 – Bioactive glycoconjugates, their structure and applications

Course content

The course is dealing with aspects of glycoconjugates both from a biological and structural point of view. Both mammalian and plant glycopolymers will be dealt with. The focus is on compounds that have a possible use in pharmacy and medicine especially against illnesses and injuries that may involve the immune system. Details related to structure- activity relationships will be in focus, also methods used for studying these aspects. Localization and function of the polymers in nature will also be discussed.

Learning outcome

To give a detailed and extensive knowledge on bioactive glycoconjugates and plant polysaccharides that primarily have an effect on the immune system. The course will lead to a detailed knowledge on the structural features of the glycopolymers that are important for their bioactivities.


PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through Studentweb.

If a course has limited intake capacity, priority will be given to PhD candidates who follow an individual education plan where this particular course is included. Some national researchers’ schools may have specific rules for ranking applicants for courses with limited intake capacity.

PhD candidates who have been admitted to another higher education institution must apply for a position as a visiting student within a given deadline.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

The applicants should fulfil the requirements for being admitted to the Ph.D. programme at the Faculty of Science and mathematics.

Recommended previous knowledge

Chemistry and biochemistry related to biopolymers, advanced level, i.e courses of the level 4000 or 5000.


Seminars and self-tuition.


Oral examination in the theoretical syllabus are judged as pass or fail, where the award of a pass denotes that a high standard has been attained.

Examination support material

As of 1 August, 2016, the use of own calculators is no longer permitted. Casio FX-991EX calculators are handed out to all exam candidates at the beginning of the exam.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

"Passed" equals "B" or better at the correspondent mastersubject.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination

Studenter som har str?ket eller som pga. gyldig frafall (sykdom o.l.) ikke har kunnet gjennomf?re ordin?r eksamen, kan s?ke om ? f? avlegge ny/utsatt eksamen. Ny/utsatt eksamen arrangeres enten senere i samme semester eller tidlig i semesteret etter ordin?r eksamen. Dokumentasjon p? gyldig frav?r m? forevises senest 7 dager etter eksamensdato.

Studenter som ?nsker ? forbedre sin opprinnelige karakter f?r ikke mulighet til ? f? utsatt eksamen, men ta eksamen neste gang det gis ordin?r eksamen i emnet.

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.

Facts about this course

Spring and autumn
Every spring
Teaching language

English or Norwegian depending on the participants.