Welcome to FYS-STK3155/4155

Dear All, the first lecture is Thursday 22, 1215pm in Store Fysiske Auditorium, Department of Physics.

Lectures are 

Thursdays 215pm-4pm

Fridays 1215pm-2pm

Lectures are in Store Fysiske Auditorium, Department of Physics (third floor, western wing of the building)


The first lecture is Thursday August 22. The last lecture is Friday November 29. The first lab session is Tuesday August 27.  


Depending on how many register for the course, we may divide the lab session into four groups (or open for more lab sessions) as follows:

Group 1: Tuesday 815am-10am

Group 2: Tuesday 10am-12pm

Group 3: Tuesday 12pm-2pm

Group 4: Tuesday 2pm-4pm

All course material is available at the github address https://github.com/CompPhysics/MachineLearning

More details about practicalities will be discussed during the lectures and the lab sessions. Welcome to everybody!

Publisert 12. aug. 2019 21:53 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2019 08:17