Weekly plans and update for week 47

Dear all, we hope you are all doing well and thx to everybody again with great efforts on project 2. 

We hope to be able to send feedback in approx two weeks, in due time before the final project 3.

This week and next week as well we still have in-person labs but will keep the digital labs open throughout the day.  Next week ends also the regular teaching semester. 

The zoom link for the digital lab is the same as those for the labs from 8-10 am and 4pm-6pm today, see



Else, this Friday (first lecture) we will have presentations from several of you about possible variants of project 3.   Please feel free to submit proposal and also make a small presentation. If you have not done so, please mail us your proposals not later than 6pm today.

If you are not sure which variant to choose, feel free to be inspired by your fellow students. And perhaps you would like to join one of the projects. Since the deadline for sending proposals is by the end of the day, it means that our weekly plan is not yet ready before the end of today.

We will send the asap later today thus. 


The regular lectures on Thursday and the second lecture on Friday will focus on support vector machines. The lecture notes will be revised later today but the material we will cover is 

given by

Geron's chapter 5. Chapter 12 (sections 12.1-12.3 are the most relevant ones)  of Hastie et al contains also a good discussion.

See also the overview videos on Support Vector Machines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efR1C6CvhmE&ab_channel=StatQuestwithJoshStarmer and   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1vOgolbjSc&ab_channel=AliceZhao.


Best wishes to you all,

Kristian, Michael, Morten, Nicolai, Per-Dimitri, Stian and ?yvind

Publisert 18. nov. 2020 05:17 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2020 05:17