Workshop on project 3 Friday November 20

Dear all, on Friday we will have presentations about possible data sets for project 3 by many of you. There are many exciting topics. 

Here are the various projects that will be presented during the first lecture (and possibly parts of the second lecture as well).  All Titles are tentative.   Talks are approx 5-10 mins with roughly 5 minutes for discussions. The schedule is flexible and we hope you will enjoy the broad creativity expressed in these suggestions. We love them! 



* Maria Emine Nylund: Lego Bricks Classifier

* Fabio Rodrigues Pereira: Financial Machine Learning

* Markus Borud Pettersen: Machine Learning and Brain Grid Cells

* Jing Sun and Endrias Getachew Asgedom: Machine learning-based approaches to denoising microseismic data

* Felicia Jacobsen: Analysis of Breast Cancer Data

* Simon Elias Schrader: Predicting atomization energies of molecules

* Varvara Bazilova and Sergio Andres Diaz Mesa: Glacier Mapping and Machine Learning

* Gert Werner Kluge, Hanna Alida Fossen Hardersen and Sushma Sharma Adhikari: Gamma ray signals stemming from dark matter in the galactic center


There are many exciting topics and we look really forward to hear from you. Also, if you would like to present something and have not yet communicated it to us, it is still possible to add more presentations.


See you soon,


Morten et al.

Publisert 19. nov. 2020 05:30 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2020 05:30