Workshop Friday 19th, week 46

Workshop plan Friday November 19
1215-1225pm: Are Frode Helvig Kvanum, Gard H?ivang, and David Andreas Bordvik, Next-day forecasts on spot prices for electricity
1225-1235pm: Lidia Luque, Voxel-wise multi-label brain tumor classification
1235-1245pm: Marcus Berget et al, Locating suspicious brain activity using neural networks
1245-1255pm: William Ho and Tom-Ruben Traavik Kvalvaag, Comparing semi-supervised learning and supervised learning for image classification

We will use the second part of the lecture for further discussions of projects 2 and 3 and a summary on boosting methods from last week and perhaps get started with support vector machines (our last topic). Feel free to bring your laptops.

We have plenty of time for questions and also possibilities to have additional presentations.
You are all welcome and this is an excellent opportunity to listen to fellow students and their plans.
See you all soon and best wishes,

Publisert 19. nov. 2021 05:55 - Sist endret 19. nov. 2021 05:55