New lab room for lab groups 1 and 3

Dear all, sorry for spamming you with messages this week.
It seems that room F?434 is available from 8am-12pm every Wednesday till the end of the semester, except for next week (Wednesday  September 28 8-12).
It means that  Lab group 1, Wednesdays 815-10am and   lab group 3, Wednesday 1015-12pm move from F?397 to F?434 (one floor up). F?434 is a better room and has space for more people.
Except for next week thus, all labs on Wednesdays are in F?434.

Best wishes to you all,
Morten et al.

p.s. These changes will appear at the official calendar page asap

Publisert 20. sep. 2022 14:35 - Sist endret 20. sep. 2022 14:35