Plans for week 41, October 10-14

Dear all, 
first of all, congratulations to you all for heroic and great efforts with project 1. We are very proud of what you all have done. Congrats.

This week due to a workshop Morten is attending, the lectures on Thursday and Friday will be recorded only. The video for Thursday will be uploaded by Thursday and a mail will be sent to you all with the link to the video. Thus, there is no direct lecture via zoom on nor in-person lecture Thursday. The video  will also be posted under the schedule link.
This applies to Friday as well. The two videos will replace our regular lectures and the topics to be covered are

* Thursday: Building our own Feed-forward Neural Network and discussion of project 2.
* Friday: Playing around with our own Feed-forward Neural Network and introduction to TensorFlow. Solving differential equations with neural networks. 

Reading suggestions for both days: The lecture notes for week41, Aurelien Geron's chapters 10-11, see
For a more in depth discussion on  neural networks we recommend Goodfellow et al chapters 6 and 7. Bishop's chapter 5 on Neural Networks is an additional good read.

I am sorry for this last moment message, but due to time conflicts with the workshop I am attending, the lectures will be recorded only. Hopefully the videos will convey the relevant information needed in order to get properly started with writing your own neural network code.  The video links will be mailed to all of you as soon as possible.  Thus, there is no in person or direct zoom lecture this Thursday and Friday. 

Best wishes for the rest of the week,
Morten et al

Publisert 12. okt. 2022 17:17 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2022 17:17