Course ”Fys2160 – Thermal and statistical physics” fall 2018

Welcome to Fys2160 fall of 2018! We hope that you will enjoy our journey through thermal and statistical physics. We promote active learning and engagements from students during lectures and tutorials, so that you as a student will learn the most -- give us feedback so we can make teaching effective. 

Active learning 

As a physics student, you may have learned that you learn physics by doing it - by working with physics problems. This is also true for thermal physics as for other physics courses. Teaching is therefore structured so that you get the most opportunities to work with thermal physics problems. Use these opportunities actively to get feedback on your performance so you can improve and learn better and more!

Teaching program

The course consists of self-study, assignments, group exercises, lectures, and experimental lab. Lectures will be based on your active participation. We will use mentimeter for tests and questionnaires. In addition, we will solve together some assignments during the lectures. Lectures will not cover the entire curriculum - you must make sure that you read the textbook and do assignments.

Tasks and Obligations

In addition to the weekly assignments, there will be 4 compulsory assignments. You must solve and submit each of them before the deadlines. You must have passed at least 2/3 of the obligatory assignments to qualify for the final written exam.

Laboratory exercises

There are compulsory laboratory exercises as part of the course. Further information about these will come later in the semester.

Numerical computations 

In this course we will use numerical computations to build intuition about physical processes and to find solutions. You must be able to write simple scripts in Python / Matlab or your favorite coding language to be able to follow this part of the course.  


Publisert 14. aug. 2018 11:19 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2018 11:30