Rates of processes and misc. topics

This ends the lecturing of chapters 1-3 in Schroeder and 1-6 in the compendium. Sect. 3.3 in Schroeder on paramagnetism will be covered in an exercise.

Lecture notes

Consider the following graph of entropy S vs. energy U for a particular system.  How does the temperature at point 1 compare to the temperature at point 2?

 A) T1 = T2                   B) T1 > T2                   C) T1 < T2    

According to the following graph of entropy vs. energy, the temperature of the system, in the limit U -> 0, is approaching…

A) zero      B) a non-zero, finite constant     C) infinity  D) a negative value(!)

Video on measuring entropy, ideal mixing and chemical potential


The thermodynamic identity is  dU = T dS – p dV, which implies that U = U(S,V)  (N is assumed fixed.)  What is the relationship between pressure p and energy U?

A)   P=-(dU/dV)S   B)  P=-(dU/dS)V       C) Neither of these is correct.

The two halves of a sealed container are separated by a fixed semi-permeable membrane.  There are two species of molecules in the container, C (cubes) and D (disks). The membrane is permeable to the disks only.  Each half of this system has two different chemical potentials, one for disks and one for cubes: and

Given the constraints imposed, does this system appear to be in equilibrium?   (Hint: How do the ’s on the right and left compare? What about the ’s?)

A) Yes, it looks close to equilibrium   

B) No, it is obviously way out of equilibrium, so the system will look different a short time later.

Video on rates of non-equilibrium processes & kinetic theory

Video on diffusion of heat and mass from kinetic theory

The diameter of a room is doubled (at constant temperature, constant pressure). What happens to the (average) time required for a molecule to diffuse across the room?

A: time doubles            B: time increases by factor of 4   C: some other answer

The diameter of a room is doubled (at constant temperature, constant NUMBER OF PARTICLES). What happens to the (average) time required for a molecule to diffuse across the room?

A: time doubles            B: time increases by factor of 4   C: some other answer

The “cool-down time” of a building is how long it takes for the temperature difference between inside and outside to fall to (1/e) of its initial value once the heat goes off.  (Assume it’s winter.)

Mean heat flow IQ= (energy change DU)/(time Dt) so Dt = DU/IQ.

The energy content of a building is proportional to its volume (L3). 

The heat flow through walls is proportional to …(?)

Consider a cubical building. If the edge length L is decreased by a factor of 2.  What happens to the cool-down time?

A) increases by 2 (takes longer to cool) B) decreases by 2 (cools faster) C) decreases by 4 D) increases by 4 E) some other answer

The thickness of the insulation in the walls/roof of a building is doubled.  What happens to the cool-down time?

A) increases by 2 B) increases by 4 C) increases by 8 D) increases by 16 E) some other answer

Publisert 9. sep. 2020 13:33 - Sist endret 9. sep. 2020 13:33