Exam etc.

Many students have shared their concerns about the exam on the padlet. I understand that you are worried about the amount of work and the difficulty of the exam. I will do the following to make sure that the exam will not be too long and that it will not be too difficult:

  • I will go through your obligs to learn which type of questions were understandable to you and which were useful to judge your understanding
  • I will reduce the amount of questions in the second part where you will be asked for a report-like, coherent text.
  • I will add more stepwise guidance for how to solve the second part.
  • I will have all the group teachers in the course go through the exam to help me judge the difficulty and amount of work

I have made available all the exams I have from 1985-2019. The exams from 2013-2019 are all relevant in types of problems and difficulty except some of the numerical problems. I will include more questions of explanation of the significance of your calculations.

This week the regneverksted will aid solving the 2016 kont exam.

Next week I will recap on zoom on Monday and do some example problems (including 2016 kont) on Wednesday.


Publisert 18. nov. 2020 23:19 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2020 23:19