We have finished grading the exams. Final grades will be available on student web in a few days.
God Jul!
On the final exam, you may bring:
Approved calculator, D.J. Griffiths: “Introduction to Quantum Mechanics”, the printed notes: “Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics”, “Symmetry and degeneracy” and “WKB connection formulae”, one handwritten A4-sheet(2 pages) with your own notes, and K. Rottmann: “Matematisk formelsamling”.
Changes in schedule for Thursday Oct. 24:
10:15-12 Exercises (LilleFy)
12:15-14 Lecture (StoreFy)
- Two problems labelled 2.2 -> They have been relabeled 2.2a and 2.2b
No lectures or exercise session week 40 (midterm exam week).
I had some problems linking to the correct version of the midterm exam. This has now been corrected, the links should be ok now. Be sure that your problem set looks like this.
Problem set 4 will be returned next week, together with set 5. The solution of set 4 is available on the web page.
The exercise session on Thursday 26.9 , 12:15-14 is moved to LilleFy.
For those of you interested in the history of physics, read this amusing story on how the electron spin was discovered.
The lecture and problem solving session will switch time on Thursday Sept. 12. Both will be held in LilleFy. Thus the schedule is
Thur. 12/9, 10:15-12, Lillefy: Exercises (Viefers)
Thur. 12/9, 12:15-14, Lillefy: Lecture (Sylju?sen)
The solution to the first problem set is out (same site as the problems), and your papers have been returned to the front office. Note that we do not give written comments on your problem sheets, only pass/fail. You are strongly encouraged to compare to the posted solution to see what you did right/wrong. Use the problem sessions for further questions and feedback!
Problem set 1 is out. It is due Friday Aug. 30 at 14:30 in the box marked FYS3110 in the Physics Front Office. Don't forget to put your name on the answer sheets.