The exam has been graded and the grades will be forwarded to the administration today. They will be available on student-web shortly.
The distribution of grades were: A:4, B:9, C:14, D:10, E:3, F:15.
The exam problem set with solution/grading instructions are available on the Exams (Old and new) page.
Happy Xmas to you all!
On the exam you may bring:
Approved calculator, D.J. Griffiths: "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", the printed notes: "Time evolution of states in quantum mechanics" and "Symmetry and degeneracy", one handwritten A4-sheet (2 pages) with your own notes, and K. Rottmann: "Matematisk formelsamling".
The Q&A next week has been rescheduled from
Tuesday 23.11 8-10am -> Monday 22.11 2-4 pm (Storefy)
Magnus will go thru old exam problems, and Olav will be present towards the end to answer questions about the exam.
Please send request to before 5 pm Sunday about old exam problems that you want Magnus to do.
For the impatient:
Midterm solution (tentative version)
(The final version will have less errors and grading guidelines.)
You may use the following Clebsch-Gordan tables for the midterm exam.
The midterm will be a take-home exam. It will be available on the inspera exam system from Oct. 8 at 15:00, and is due on inspera one week later: Oct. 15 at 15:00. You should log onto inspera to retrieve the problem set. When you have finished answering the exam questions, you should make a pdf-file, either by scanning your handwritten pages, or write everything in LaTeX. Then upload the pdf-file to inspera. Do NOT write your name on the answer sheets.
This exam is an individual exam with all available resources allowed. Thus you may ask your fellow students. However, you are yourself responsible for understanding what you write, so that if asked, you can explain it in details.
This year's problem set has 8 subproblems. Each subproblem counts 6 points regardless of difficulty. Most of the subproblems are rather straight-forward, except for the last one which requires ingen...
To relieve the waiting time on the Wednesday exercise sessions, Magnus has generously agreed to arrange extra exercise sessions on Tuesdays 12-14 in Origo (starting Sep. 21). Thus you can choose whether to come on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Hopefully this will make it easier to get help with the problem sets.
As you may have seen some videos from the lectures are unfortunately missing. In those cases you might try to look at last years videos (in Norwegian), or simply ask other students who were present physically in the auditorium.
There is now a "Padlet" for this semester of FYS3110:
In general late deliveries of problem sets on canvas will not get an ok. This is because the solution is made available at the due time. It also screws up the peer review as graders are assigned based on those that have handed in problem sets by the due time.
To those of you that handed in problem set 1 on Canvas:
To get problem set 1 approved: You must log in to Canvas and give comments/score (as specified in the solution to problem set 1) on another student's homework (assigned to you automatically on Canvas). Deadline is Monday midnight. Magnus will go through the answer sheets and feedback comments, and do the final approval on Tuesday.
Lecture videos are now available from the Canvas page (under Video). These videos are a special service to FYS3110-registered students for fall 2021 and are just a supplement. They do not necessarily give a full account of everything that is being said in the lectures as something might go wrong occasionally. For instance the first part of the first lecture regarding the practical info about the course and QM in general was not recorded properly. If you missed that part, read the course web pages carefully, and/or talk to other students that attended the first lecture.
Oct. 8- Oct.15: Take-home exam
Nov. 30: Final exam (4 hours)
The first lecture will be held on Monday Aug. 23 at 14:15. The location will be StoreFy. Welcome!
The first problem set will be available from Aug 20. on Canvas.
See you,
Dersom smittesituasjonen f?r et omfang som gj?r at deler av samfunnet m? stenge igjen utover h?sten, s? kan det bli aktuelt ? erstatte skriftlig skoleeksamen med skriftlig hjemmeeksamen eller muntlig eksamen i dette emnet.