The solution to the final exam is now available.
We have finished grading, and the grades will be available on student-web in a few days.
Thank you for attending the course.
The student societies will arrange an exam workshop for FYS3110 on Thursday Nov 21. (4-6 pm) in Lillefy. There will be pizza afterwards.
For more info, see
The midterm exam scores are now available. (if the link does not work, see the Announcements page on canvas).
Also posted is the solution to the midterm with grading comments.
On Friday Oct. 4 at 2:00pm, the midterm exam will be available on Inspera. It is due on Inspera one week later (Oct. 11, 2:00 pm) in the form of a pdf-file, either as a scan of your handwritten calculations or as a LaTeX-document. If you have questions about the problem set, please ask them on Canvas Discussions.
Today's tutorial unfortunately has to be cancelled due to illness.
To those of you who handed in the solution to problem set 1 on Canvas: Remember to give feedback/grade on Canvas (before Friday).
Here are the names and emails of the class representatives:
Kristoffer Sandaune
Axl. H. Kleven
There will be a take-home midterm exam during week 41 (Fri. Oct 4.-Fri Oct. 11) administered on inspera (digital exam system).
The final exam is a digital "school" exam and is held on Nov. 26.
I wish you all a warm welcome to FYS3110!
The first lecture will be on Monday Aug. 19 at 8 in StoreFy. Attendance is not mandatory, but is of course recommended.
The first problem set will be posted Friday Aug. 16 (due Tue. Aug. 27.)
See you on the 19.!