The sets of problems and solutions are posted on the course page
Since the lectures and all the material in the course have been given in English, the problem set at the exam will be given in English.
The solutions may be written in Norwegian or English, according to your preference.
Solutions to the exams 2005-09 have been posted on the course page
The following materials are permitted at the exam.
Calculator, Angell/Øgrim og Lian: Størrelser og enheter i fysikken, Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling, Formula Collection FYS3120.
Problem 16.3 has been replaced by a new one.
Final lecture will be Tuesday, 14 May. No teaching Thursday, 16 May. Final exercises will be Tueday, 21 May.
FYS3120 skal evalueres dette semesteret. Evalueringskjema kan dere laste ned fra kurssiden. Alle studenter på kurset oppfordres til å fylle det ut og å returnere det enten til foreleser eller mottaksboks merket FYS3120 på ekspedisjonskontoret. Vær vennlig å levere skjemaet senest tirsdag 14. mai.
A formula collection for the course is availbale on the course page. It is allowed as support material at the final exam.
An error in Problem 13.1c has been corrected in the file ProblemSet13.pdf
The results are available as the file MidtermResults.pdf
Problem sets for earlier exams are now available. Several of these have been or will be included in the weekly problem sets.
The problem set is now available as a pdf file on the course page
There will be no teaching during the week of the midterm exam 8-12 April.
Since there is no teaching next week, due to the midterm exam, solutions to problem set 11 will be discussed the week after, on Monday, April 15.
The problem set will be posted on the course page, Friday April 5, in th afteroon.
Deadline for return of solutions will be Friday April 12. Written or printed solutions should be returned to Ekspedisjonskontoret before closing time.
There will be lectures, as usual, on Tuesday and Thursday
Since there will be no teaching next week, solutions to Problem set 10 will be posted on the course page at the end of this week.
Corrections to the Lecture Notes. Occasionally some errors or misprints are detected by students or by me. These misprints will be corrected in the notes, printed in red. In the file "corrections.pdf" you will find a list with the page numbers where corrections have been made.
Kollokviegruppe: P? initiativ fra Peter Normann vil det v?re en (uoffisiell) kollokviegruppe som m?tes i ?364 p? torsdager 14.15-16. Alle som er interessert, spesielt de som ikke kan f?lge oppgavegjennomg?elsene p? mandager, er invitert til ? bli med. I den grad det ikke kolliderer med andre gj?rem?l vil foreleser eller assistent p? kurset v?re til stede ? svare p? sp?rsm?l i den andre timen. F?rste gang: I dag torsdag 14/2, Magnar vil svare p? sp?rsm?l ang. siste oppgavesett.
Answers to the first problem sets have been posted on the course page.
NO CHANGE in the schedule. The Execises will not be moved to Friday, since that will create a problem for some students.
NOTE: Possible change of time for the Exercises.
There is a suggestion to move the time for the Exercises from Monday to Friday 14.15-16.00 to avoid collision with other activities for some of the students.
This can be done only if it does not create new collisions for other students.
Any student who may get problems with such a change, please let me know before Wednesday next week.
CORRECTION to Problem 2.4: The suggested form of the solution is only an approximation to the exact solution. See the corrected text in ProblemSet2.pdf.
A small correction in Problem 1.5: "angular momentum" should be "angular velocity".
Midterm Exam, is a home exam scheduled for the period April 5-12.