
The mid-term exam will be held the week 25-29 March. It will consist of a problem set you can work on throughout the week.

You can find the problem set by logging into Inspera. The set will be available at 12.00 Monday March 25. The deadline for uploading your answers in Inspera is Friday March 29 at 16.00. To help you write your answers we provide a LaTeX version of the questions here.

The problem solutions and examiner instructions (sensurveiledning) can now be found here. We also provide two python files, phase_space.py and astronaut_orbit.py, used to generated the plots in the solution.

The results of the mid-term exam can be found here.

Publisert 8. jan. 2019 13:47 - Sist endret 27. apr. 2019 15:13